How Internet Of Things Affects Work Productivity

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The Internet of Things is a phenomenon that many people have talked about in recent years. However, many fail to understand its nature and implications for the future of our daily lives. The Internet of Things has also not been fully calculated in terms of work productivity, the economy and individuals.

According to Harvard economist Michael Porter in the Harvard Business Review, the role of the Internet of Things is very large in increasing company efficiency. The use of this technology can drive the market towards innovation. At the individual level, the latest technology features will make professionals more productive than ever. This of course changes the face of organizations and work management.

However, to understand more clearly how the Internet of Things affects work productivity. Below is a more detailed description and description of how the Internet of Things will make us all more efficient.

What is Internet of Things in simple words?

What is Internet of Things in simple words?
What is Internet of Things in simple words?

The Internet of Things (IoT) has a relatively difficult definition to understand. Maybe for that reason, many people think this technology is not user-friendly. In fact, the general concept can be easily understood.

In general, IoT refers to a scenario where computing power and network connectivity are extended to everyday sensors, objects, and items that are not usually considered computers. IoT technology allows these devices to generate, exchange, and use data with little or no human involvement.

To make it easier to understand, the most obvious example of IoT application is the use of everyday gadgets. These gadgets can be worn on the face, such as smart glasses and Virtual Reality (VR) headsets, or smart watches. On a larger scale, the concept of smart houses and smart buildings can also be real examples.

Looking at the explanation above, it is important to understand that there is no single and inclusive definition of IoT itself.

How does the Internet of Things affect work productivity?

In terms of business, it is important to understand how these IoT-based devices work, especially for small or new businesses. In addition, it is also important to understand how these devices can impact employees and their productivity.

Because IoT devices can be very important to the success of a company, you must filter the use of devices that actually increase productivity. Some of the factors below should be considered when determining the use of these IoT devices.

1. Data Management

With so many devices connected to the Internet, there is a lot of data being collected. So, managing that data can be a challenge to overcome.

Deciphering what data is important to your company and your employees is key to success. This means that every team member using a connected device will need access to effective analytics tools to make sense of all that information. Additionally, by observing and understanding how your employees use this technology, you can significantly increase productivity.

2. Understanding daily travel patterns

Traffic conditions and situations are always a tricky issue to think about, considering that this factor greatly affects work productivity. However, with every employee already having a device connected to the Internet, these daily travel patterns can be used to minimize time inefficiencies.

Understanding employee travel patterns can significantly increase overall productivity. Companies can also create policies on whether or not employees can work remotely to maintain productivity and time efficiency.

3. Better time management

If IoT devices help you and your employees improve time management, this is proof that this technology is a worthwhile investment. Mobile devices can help us all organize our schedules, tasks, and even free time more efficiently; and in turn, become more productive.

4. Easier work system monitoring

An IoT-enabled building management system will certainly greatly support the spirit of companies to maintain and improve their business productivity. With this system, users will get real-time access to many things.

One of the information that can be presented is the main areas that affect your business including occupancy, workflow, and overall efficiency. Company executives can use this information to plan hiring practices, inventory management, and more.

5. Increased safety and security

Safety and security are important to every company, including physical safety and data security. Connected devices can not only protect your physical office building, but can also help protect other assets such as equipment and personal information.

6. Mobile device management

There are several key benefits to implementing a mobile device management strategy. With a good mobile device management program, executives and employees can access company data and information through these devices when they are away from the office.

Another advantage is the ease for employees and executives to share important information. That way, the policies taken can be strategic and beneficial to the business and company, without being limited by location or time.

7. Improved asset management

Another important factor to consider is whether IoT devices can improve your business’s inventory and asset management. With the right connected devices and strategically placed sensors or voice, you can better manage your assets.

At the same time, you can also significantly increase your profits. Therefore, IoT devices that improve these factors will certainly improve productivity.

8. Improve adaptability to changing work standards

The workplace is constantly changing. Disruptions to the status quo are commonplace and new technological advancements are never-ending. While these changes tend to create a new set of challenges, IoT devices can help businesses navigate the changes more easily. This makes the transition to a new work environment easier.


The Internet of Things is already here and will continue to be here as time goes on and technology advances. As a result, the number of connected devices is also increasing. Therefore, the need for businesses to understand how these devices work will become increasingly important.

It is vital for your business or company leaders to determine which Internet of Things devices, systems or applications are best for improving work productivity and which are not.

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