RIOT Apk Free Download

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Radical Image Optimization Tool or Riot is freeware that can be used to optimize JPEG, PNG, and GIF image files to a smaller size but the resulting quality is close to the original image quality.

The need for sending photo files to the internet is currently quite high. But sometimes the photos we want to send don't support the platform we use because the photo file size is too large while our provisions or internet for uploading jpg, png, gif or whatever files are limited. Have you experienced such a thing?

Indeed, the default windows such as windows photo viewer and paint provide a resize menu, but if we use it, not only is the size smaller, but the quality is also drastically reduced. Radical Image Optimization Tool is useful for optimizing your photos with dramatically reduced file sizes, without compromising image quality. besides this application is also quite easy to use.

Radical Image Optimization Tool is an acronym for RIOT. This image optimization application was created by a website developer named Lucian Sabo from Romania who works as a software architect who is very enthusiastic about the PHP programming language. Currently, Lucian is the chief software architect of the UK's number one startup F6S Network Limited.

The history of the RIOT application is very interesting, starting with his desire to create an application that can optimize images before they are posted on his personal website page. Sabo said that making stand-alone applications always failed. Finally, he started the RIOT project by including it as a plugin in the image opener application, Irfan Viewer, which is his favorite application for opening and managing images on his computer.

This image editing software is specially designed for editing photos/images. This software is very useful for bloggers who want to post articles accompanied by images, so that the size of the blog can be reduced which in turn can speed up the loading time of the blog itself. Features that are highlighted are the size compression feature and image format conversion, supported by 3 image file formats, namely JPEG, GIF, PNG.

With this RIOT software you can very easily convert images to reduce the file size while adjusting the color depth. The optimization results are quite good if you use a JPG file. 

You can reduce photos to one-fifth of their original size without significant quality loss. RIOT supports the following formats JPG, BMP, GIF, JP2, PNG, TGA, TIFF, PSD, PCD, PXC, PPM, PBM, RAS, ICO, MNG, WBMP , XBM, XPM, HDR, SGI.

Download the Latest RIOT

  • License: Freeware 
  • Developer: Lucian Sabo
  • Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11
Download RIOT 1.0.1

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