How to Increase Page Speed? Does it Affect SEO?

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Is your website experiencing slow loading times? You’re not alone! In today’s fast-paced digital environment, maintaining a slow website is a failure.

Instant gratification is the norm, and if your web pages are slow, you risk losing valuable visitors, which will negatively impact your SEO rankings. But fear not! This article delves into the domain of page speed optimization.

Get ready to improve your website’s loading speed, boost your SEO rankings, and provide the fast experience your visitors crave. Brace yourself for a journey that will not only improve your website but also earn the appreciation of your audience!

After all, does page speed affect SEO? The answer is yes, and optimizing it is the key to success.

What is Page Speed?

What is Page Speed?
What is Page Speed?

Page speed, also known as “load speed,” measures how quickly a page’s content loads. From an SEO perspective, maintaining a fast page speed is crucial. A variety of factors, including your web hosting and the size of your page, contribute to page load speed. Additionally, there may be variations in page speed between desktop and mobile versions of a page.

Page speed is the speed of a page, which is the time it takes to completely load a page in a browser. Page speed can affect how users feel about a brand, its products, and its services.

PageSpeed ​​Insights (PSI) is a free tool from Google that can be used to analyze the performance of a web page. PSI can provide real-time performance reports of web pages on mobile and desktop devices. PSI also provides suggestions on how to improve page speed and user experience.

PSI evaluates how well a page follows common performance best practices and calculates a score from 0-100. PSI reports 2 metrics, namely First Contentful Paint (FCP) and DOM Content Loaded (DCL). In addition to PSI, there is also the Lighthouse tool which is focused on collecting lab data covering all aspects from loading speed to website security.

Why is Page Speed ​​Important for SEO?

1. Improves User Experience

Faster page load speeds improve user experience by preventing visitors from abandoning slow-loading websites. Slow websites create frustration, resulting in higher bounce rates and decreased visitor engagement. This is especially important in today’s world where WiFi connection speeds are constantly increasing and users expect immediate results.

2. Impacts Search Engine Rankings

Page speed serves as a critical ranking factor for search engines, especially Google. Websites that load quickly receive favorable treatment in search results, resulting in increased visibility and organic traffic.

3. Important Role in Mobile Optimization

Given the increasing prevalence of mobile devices, page speed plays a vital role in mobile optimization. Users accessing websites via mobile devices expect fast page loads, and search engines prioritize mobile-friendly sites with optimal speeds.

4. Impact on Crawl Budget

Search engines allocate a limited crawl budget to each website, and slow-loading pages consume a significant portion of that budget. This consumption can affect the indexing of important pages, thereby hampering overall SEO performance.

5. Relevance to Core Web Vitals

Google’s Core Web Vitals incorporate page speed metrics such as Largest Contentful Paint and First Input Delay. Following these metrics improves user experience and enhances SEO performance.

6. Significance to Conversion Rate Optimization

A slow website can negatively impact conversion rates. Studies show that even a one-second delay in page load speed can result in a decrease in conversions. Improving page speed has a positive impact on conversion rates and, as a result, overall business revenue.

Monitoring Your Website Speed: Assessing SEO Impact

To evaluate the impact of site speed on SEO, use a free speed test tool like Google PageSpeed ​​Insights.

This tool not only measures the speed of your website but also provides insights into factors that may be negatively impacting your site speed and, consequently, your SEO.

Your website performance assessment involves Google Speed ​​Score, utilizing data taken from the Chrome User Experience Report.

It takes into account metrics such as DOMContentLoaded (DCL) and First Contentful Paint (FCP).

What Are Core Web Vitals?

Core Web Vitals are part of a broader Google initiative, which offers unified guidance on quality signals that are essential to delivering a great user experience on the web.

Confirmed as a ranking factor in the Page Experience Update, the current designation for 2021 revolves around three metrics: LCP, FID, and CLS, with a focus on loading, interactivity, and visual stability.

Google identifies certain metrics as fundamental to a high-quality website, contributing to a positive user experience:

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP – Loading): Indicates when a user can perceive the largest rendered content on a web page, such as readable text or images. Google recommends achieving this within 2.5 seconds of initial load.
  • First Input Delay (FID – Interactivity): Measures the user’s initial impression of the interactivity and responsiveness of the site, from the first interaction to the browser’s response. Google recommends keeping the FID under 100 milliseconds from initial load.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS – Visual Stability): Reflects a poor user experience if the web page shifts position after the initial render. Google recommends keeping the CLS score below 0.1. These core web vitals define the parameters of a positive user experience and contribute to optimizing page load speed. In addition to Core Web Vitals, various other metrics play a role in evaluating how well a page loads for users. Some additional metrics include:
  • First Contentful Paint (FCP): When a user first sees the rendered content on a web page.
  • Total Blocking Time: Represents the number of periods between FCP and Time to Interactive, where the task duration exceeds 50ms.
  • Time to be Interactive: Indicates when the website becomes fully interactive, indicating that everything has loaded and is ready to go.
  • Speed ​​Index: Measures how quickly elements on the website appear to load.

While this metric may change names periodically, paying attention to it can significantly impact your rankings. Utilizing tools like Google Insights PageSpeed ​​can greatly improve your overall site speed.

Strategies to Increase Page Load speed

Improving your site’s loading speed is essential to optimizing its performance. Now that you understand the metrics that affect page speed, understanding how to improve your site’s loading speed is essential, especially for valuable pages.

Here are some effective ways to improve page speed loading times and boost your Core Web Vitals score:

1. Leverage Browser Caching

Optimize resource fetching by implementing a specific caching policy for all server responses. This policy should define whether a resource can be cached, who can cache it, how long the resource should be cached, and whether revalidation can be performed after the cache has expired.

Setting a clear caching policy allows clients to reuse previously fetched responses, saving time for users.

2. Avoid Landing Page Redirects

Eliminate unnecessary landing page redirects, also known as redirect chains or loops, as they contribute to page rendering delays.

Unwanted redirects can occur when transitioning to a mobile site or due to an excessive number of redirects on a site. Implement a fully responsive website and update redirects to simplify the redirection process.

3. Minimize Resources

Reduce the size of CSS, HTML, and JavaScript resources through minification, removing redundant or unnecessary data without affecting how the resource is processed by the browser. Leverage minification tools such as HTML Minifier, CSS Nano, and Uglify JS2 to achieve significant code size reductions.

4. Enable Compression

Enable gzip compression support on your web server to reduce the size of transferred responses by up to 90%. This compression significantly contributes to faster resource downloads, thereby increasing overall site speed.

5. Optimize Images

Optimize images by analyzing factors such as importance, quality, pixel dimensions, and format capabilities to reduce file size without compromising quality. Use third-party tools such as TinyJPG or manual optimization for efficient image optimization.

6. Reduce Server Response Time

Target server response time below 200ms and ensure consistency between tests. Identify and address potential causes of slow response times, such as slow database queries, memory shortages, or slow application logic. Regularly check server response times to maintain optimal performance.

7. Prioritize Visible Content

Improve the user experience by ensuring that above-the-fold content loads in the initial bottleneck window, reducing the need for additional roundtrips. Structure HTML to prioritize loading critical page elements before other content.

8. Optimize CSS and JavaScript Delivery

Simplify resource delivery by inlining small resources and deferring larger resources to render after above-the-fold content. This optimization strategy helps prevent delays in page rendering associated with downloading and processing external CSS and JavaScript resources.

Improving user experience and page speed is inherently tied to SEO and plays a significant role in overall rankings.


Is web page speed important for SEO? Yes, it is a very important ranking factor in Google’s algorithm. When webmasters build and maintain their websites, they must prioritize certain user experiences. Slow websites tend to encourage visitors to click the back button, which further impacts rankings and conversion rates.

Given the large number of visitors accessing websites via tablets or smartphones, prioritizing mobile speed optimization is a must.

A critical element in ensuring a fast website lies with the hosting provider. The right host has the potential to increase website speed, thereby improving overall performance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is Google page speed important?

Loading time and PageSpeed ​​score are important for different reasons. Long loading times can result in lost users and decreased conversions. Poor PageSpeed ​​scores often indicate subpar Core Web Vitals metrics, leading to SEO penalties for websites.

2. How Fast Should My Site Load?

When it comes to acceptable page speed, Google recommends a loading time of under two seconds, with a particular emphasis on achieving under half a second, especially for e-commerce websites.

3. Why is my page speed so slow?

If your website is experiencing slow speeds, several factors could be the cause, such as high traffic, excessive images and plugins, outdated code, server performance issues, geographic location, and lack of caching.

4. Is Google Page Speed ​​Insights accurate?

When it comes to the accuracy of Google Page Speed ​​Insights, while it may not comprehensively cover all user experiences, the field data it provides is generally considered accurate. There may be exceptions, such as when users use Chrome Incognito Mode extensively on health-related websites.

5. What is a bad page load speed?

Studies show that users are more likely to abandon a website if it takes more than 400 milliseconds to load. Time to First Byte (TTFB) is another measure that shows the time it takes for a browser or mobile device to receive the first response from the server after making a request.

6. Does page speed affect CPC?

Site speed can affect Google Ads Quality Score, affecting ad placement and cost per click (CPC). Websites with slower speeds may be charged more to run ads, and those ads may not achieve optimal visibility.


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