As a blogger or web owner, it is not enough for you to just create a blog and then fill it with articles. You need to make efforts so that the articles you create can be found by other people who search through web browser search engines. Your article will compete with many other articles that have similar themes that also hope to be found easily and win the competition.
The way to ensure that your article can be found by those who search through web browser search engines is to increase its ranking and visibility for better on various search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines.
You need to remember that articles that have the same topic with the same good quality will compete fiercely to be at the top of the first page of the SERP so that they have a greater chance of being clicked to visit.
That is why search engine optimization (SEO) is very important, both through on-page SEO and off-page SEO with the ultimate goal of bringing in as many blog visitors (visitors) as possible. With lots of visitors, it is hoped that the goal of creating a blog can be achieved, for example a blog for AdSense monetization with lots of visitors is expected to provide large AdSense income.
Blog visitor interactions that have a negative impact
Bloggers will be very happy if the blog they manage has a large number of visitors. Even though the hope is organic visitors, it will be easier for you to bring in large numbers of inorganic visitors by sharing articles on social media or through paid advertising.
Organic visitors get the articles they need from search, while unorganic visitors get articles from what you share, even though they weren't necessarily looking for them at the time.
Regardless of organic or inorganic blog visitors, having a large number of blog visitors is the hope of all bloggers. However, have you ever thought that blog visitor interaction can also give negative signals to SEO?
When visitors visit your blog, they will engage in interactions, some of which can give negative signals or have a negative impact on SEO. The following are 4 blog visitor interactions that signal or have a negative impact on SEO:
1. Visitors return to the SERP
When someone searches for articles related to a particular theme on the internet, they use a search engine in a web browser and type in keywords for the article they are looking for. The web browser's search engine then displays search results (Search Engine Result Page | SERP) that match the keywords. From the search results, one or more article links will be clicked to display the article content.
If visitors immediately return to search engine search results (SERP), for example Google, then this can be considered a negative signal for SEO. There are several possibilities, the web page for the article is slow to load (display) or the first few paragraphs of the article are not as expected or are confusing so you don't read the article content until the end.
Returning immediately to the SERP results in a high bounce rate. You can check the bounce rate via the Google Analytics or Alexa tool. If this is related to web page load time, you can try to reduce the web page load time. If this is related to article content, you need to make articles of higher quality and provide benefits to blog visitors.
2. Navigate to another page or exit quickly
Another interaction that also has a negative signal or impact on SEO is when a visitor is on a web page and not long after navigates to another web page, either via internal links or other navigation or leaving the blog directly. This situation is also called a navigation bounce which triggers an internal bounce.
Visitors are on a web page for a short time, it could be because the article content, the web page is inappropriate (not related) or it is not the page they want to visit.
Navigation bounce indicates visitor dissatisfaction with a web page. One way to overcome internal bounce is to create internal links that are relevant or related so that blog visitors feel they are getting additional information and will stay longer on the web page, rather than quickly navigating to another web page.
You can access these related reports in Google Analytics via the Behavior tab > Site Content > All Pages > Navigation Summary tab or using the EZOIC big data analytics tool
3. Short visitor engagement time
Visitor engagement time is the time when visitors are on a web page and are active in reading, watching videos, filling out online forms or other things. This is slightly different from the length of time a visitor stays on a web page because it does not include the time when scrolling the web page down or up, the time the web page is in the process of being loaded (displayed) in the web browser or the time searched via the navigation menu.
A short engagement time shows that bloggers or web owners need to take steps to optimize blogs, one of the efforts that needs to be taken is to bring in organic visitors. Better visitor engagement time is needed to achieve the aim or purpose of a blog or website being created.
4. The number of pages visited is small
Visitor interactions on different blogs will be different. Visitors will generally open more than one web page in one visit if the web page has related or relevant links. Visitors want to get additional information by opening other pages via the links provided.
On the other hand, if a web page does not provide a link, visitors may decide to leave immediately after finishing reading the web page.
The more web pages you open, the deeper visitors will explore your blog and the better it is for the blog. You can apply the right deep linking technique so that more web pages are opened by blog visitors in one visit.
The metric that records how deeply blog visitors explore a blog or website is Visit Depth or Page Depth which is also in Google Analytics. This metric can provide important information regarding visitor interactions with the blog.
Your reputation website is important for an obvious reason: it creates a positive impression, increases your influence, and separates you from your competition. But especially in SEO, your name will increase your E-A-T-T score, which will affect the judgment of the quality of your content. Good content is important, so your name also plays an important role.
This is why online reviews can support and improve your reputation. However, they can also help improve your online presence by providing additional ranking opportunities – for example, when searches include keywords that people are searching for. In addition to SEO benefits, keywords can also make it easier to find specific reviews if you want to find them again.