Hybrid Work: The Future of Remote Working

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Working from anywhere has become so popular in recent years. Moreover, for those who don't like spending time on long commutes, working from a nearby location is the answer to this problem. This phenomenon has now become a necessity and has even become a form of progressive business strategy. The hybrid workplace model introduced as a result of this pandemic has enabled everyone to work well, wherever they are.

In fact, the results of research conducted by EY show that both employers (47%) and employees (37%) indicate a desire to work remotely for two or three days per week. However, if they had the choice, half of employees would prefer no more than one day in the office a week, and 34% would want to work completely remotely. Only a fifth of companies prefer to work remotely.

If we look at the data based on industry, region, age and gender, the research results also show things that deserve separate attention. Women are more likely to choose to work remotely (49%), with hybrid work as the second choice (41%). Men show little difference in preference between working hybrid (42%) and working remotely (43%).

The results of the research above show that the hybrid work model is a more ideal concept to accommodate the desires of both employees and employers. The hybrid work concept allows employees to escape from their corporate office space and enjoy working creatively anywhere.

What is Hybrid Working?

The BBC explains that hybrid working includes more freedom regarding where employees should work. Employees can adjust where they want to work, whether in the office or working from home. Indeed, the concept of hybrid working is a combination of working in the office with working from home or other locations.

So, companies that implement this concept will give their employees the freedom to work from anywhere. Employees can work in the office but they are more flexible and not stuck with the rule of working from 9 am to 5 pm. The reason is, employees are also welcome to work from home or other places they wish.

In fact, the concept of hybrid working has been around for a long time but the trend has accelerated due to the Covid-19 pandemic. When implementing hybrid working, the company will set certain days for its employees to come to the office to work.

When in the office, it is usually used for meetings and collaboration between teams. Apart from that, when there are mentoring, self-development or orientation activities, employees are also required to come to the office. Meanwhile, each employee can do individual work freely from home or any place they want.

What is a Hybrid Workplace?

Hybrid Workplace, Model of the World of Work in the Future
Hybrid Workplace

Hybrid workplace, which in Indonesian means hybrid workplace, is defined as a business model that combines remote work with office work. The key word is the presence of a core group at the location, while other core groups are free to come and go as they please, of course within reasonable reasons.

Another definition of a hybrid workplace is a work environment that provides work settings anywhere and an office as an option for employees to choose their work space. This model offers support for employees who live far from the office as well as flexibility for workers to move between the two work models.

In short, hybrid workplaces generally provide employees with the opportunity to fit work into their lives. For many workers, this model represents an optimal balance between productive work and reduced stress. Don't forget, there are fewer trips made by rich people.

Do employees want hybrid work?

In the latest "new normal" era, it shows that quite a few employees are reluctant to return to the office to deal with all the hassles. Hybrid working is now an attractive option, and there is data support for this.

The research was conducted by EY through a third party between June and August 2023 online. The sample was drawn from 17,050 employees and 1,575 employers from 25 different sectors and more than 20 regions in the Americas, Asia-Pacific, Europe, the Middle East, India and Africa. As a result, both employers (47%) and employees (37%) showed the greatest preference for working remotely for two or three days per week. 

However, if they had the choice, half of employees would want no more than one day in the office a week. Other data shows 34% want to work fully remotely. Only a fifth of companies prefer remote work.

Female employees are also more likely to choose remote work (49%), with hybrid work the second choice (41%). Men show little difference in preference between hybrid work (42%) and remote work (43%).

The phenomenon of hybrid and remote work is also changing the way teams interact, as well as changing the way individuals present themselves. Offices are also transforming from single and regular work locations into destinations, places to socialize and gain cultural experiences. The appeal of a physical office is now simply as a location to stay socially connected with their co-workers.

The research results above certainly do not represent the wishes of the majority of workers, but it must be acknowledged that the desire of employees to work in a hybrid manner is an inevitable fact. Hybrid workplace could be the answer to this problem.

How does hybrid work model works?

The advantage of a hybrid workplace is that companies or organizations can determine their own parameters regarding how the model will work. A company may require selected employees to work entirely on site. Another option is to ask some teams to change their schedules and alternate reporting to work on site. Another way is to hire a remote workforce who only needs to come in periodically for face-to-face meetings.

However, in general, there are several models adopted by a number of companies that have implemented them. One popular hybrid work model is 2 WFO + 3 WFA. This model applies to companies and organizations that have a system of working two days in the office and three days outside the office. 

Another option is that employees are allowed to work from outside the office 50% of the time with manager approval. This model provides flexibility to meet top talent when requested. Whatever the configuration, the hybrid workplace appears to have staying power and is expected to continue for the foreseeable future.

Why do people prefer hybrid work?

Why do people prefer hybrid work?
Why do people prefer hybrid work?

Hybrid working is increasingly popular in the world of work because it provides a number of significant benefits for companies, employees and even the environment. Here are some reasons why this way of working is gaining popularity.

1. Flexibility for Employees

Hybrid working gives employees the flexibility to choose where they work, allowing them to set a work schedule that is more balanced between work and personal life. This allows employees to better integrate work with personal responsibilities, such as taking care of family or completing household tasks.

2. Increased Productivity

Hybrid working can increase employee productivity. Several studies show that employees tend to be more productive when they are given the flexibility to work from a place that is comfortable for them. In addition, the freedom to choose a suitable work environment can increase creativity and innovation.

3. Reduction of Operational Costs

By implementing hybrid working, companies can reduce operational costs related to office space, utilities and facilities. This reduction can help increase company efficiency and effectiveness, especially for companies that previously had to provide large physical offices.

4. Increase Employee Satisfaction

Providing flexibility at work can increase employee satisfaction and strengthen loyalty to the company. Employees feel valued and recognized when given the trust to manage their own schedules and work locations.

5. Access to Global Talent

With hybrid working, companies can recruit workers from various geographic locations. This model allows companies to benefit from diverse talents and perspectives that can improve innovation and company performance.

6. Lower Environmental Impact

By reducing daily travel and mobility, the hybrid working model can help reduce carbon emissions and environmental impact. Reducing transportation use can also reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality in big cities.

What are the advantages of hybrid work?

There are many benefits that can be gained from the hybrid workplace model, especially for workers and employers. What can be highlighted is that employee welfare is maintained. For example, employee satisfaction. Employees tend to value flexibility and how the model can accommodate their lives and needs. Employees will also feel more trusted, which can make them feel appreciated. This of course has an impact on better productivity levels.

This model also provides convenience for employees in terms of deciding when they want to go to the office or work remotely. Employers also still have staff ready to be in the office when needed. In terms of time efficiency, the hybrid workplace model also allows employees to manage their time efficiently.

A hybrid workplace not only prioritizes employee well-being, both mental and financial, but also the interests of the company and organization. Employers, in this case companies and organizations, can also make relatively large budget savings, especially regarding property costs and office maintenance.

What are the disadvantages of hybrid working?

Hybrid workplace is not a perfect work model. There are several shortcomings that deserve attention. The need for quality internet access, adequate work space, or a distraction-free environment are some of them.

A hybrid environment also puts employees who do not work in the office at a disadvantage compared to employees who work in the office. For example, a situation where an employee cannot attend a meeting in person. Even though they can join via video, there are potential side conversations they might miss.

There is also a concern that employees who are 'seen' in the office will be perceived as providing greater output. Employees who work remotely may feel like they are missing out on opportunities because they are less visible than those who return to the office. This can be a problem if those in charge are those present in the office. In other words, a physical office should not have more power than a remote office.

Equally important are the challenges related to collaboration and communication. With two different experiences to manage, there is an increased risk that one group may feel excluded from important conversations.

This situation emphasizes the importance of a robust hybrid workplace plan and hybrid workplace assessment. If not implemented properly, a hybrid workplace can create a divide between those who work in the office and those who don't.


The combination of these benefits makes hybrid working increasingly popular in the world of work. Companies and employees are increasingly realizing that this work model can increase productivity, life balance and satisfaction, while reducing operational costs and environmental impact.

Every trend and change chosen will certainly be a challenge. Not only for you as a worker, but also for companies and employers. In order to maintain work productivity, the managerial team must continue to see what kind of work environment dynamics are most suitable for the company to implement. Are you ready for a hybrid work environment? Don't forget to stay safe and healthy!

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