Download Windows Repair 4.13.0

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Windows Repair is an application that is used to repair windows errors with various tools in one application. such as registry errors, malware as well as resetting your Windows settings to default. Often we get various problems in the Windows operating system that we use. 

Whether it's because of crashes between software, errors due to tweaking, or various other problems. The last resort that is usually taken is to reinstall Windows. However, there is a free software that you should try before you decide to reinstall your Windows.

When our laptop or PC fails to boot, startup repair is expected to repair damaged or missing files, so the problem that startup repair can face is a problem with system files. And startup repair is not able to solve problems that arise due to installation errors or hardware damage. Even startup repair can't bring back your lost data.

Windows Repair (All in One), This software has a variety of powerful tools and features to repair damaged Windows / errors. 

This Windows Repair application basically works by restoring the Windows system to its original state. That way we can repair Windows without the need to reinstall. However, not all windows damage can be repaired by this application, if the damage is too severe, the steps to reinstall Windows cannot be avoided.

Tweaking Windows Repair Not only can restore your windows settings to the default state of windows but also some registry will be restored as usual even though some of the settings you manually set will be lost. Just go into Safe Mode and run this program and your windows will be fresh again.

The way we should do to repair Windows with this program:
  1. Cleaning Laptops/Computers from Malware, viruses and so on.
  2. Repairing file system damage on the hard disk.
  3. Run System File Check (SFC).
  4. Registry Backup & System Restore.
  5. Start Repair Computer.

Download the Latest Windows Repair

  • License: Freeware 
  • Developer: Contentteller®
  • Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11
Download Windows Repair 4.12.4

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