Download Rainmeter 4.5.13 Build 3632

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Rainmeter is an application to monitor windows processes (system) on the desktop such as Task manager, CPU load, memory usage, disk space, network traffic but more attractive. Equipped with a variety of cool skins and a fairly light memory usage.

Rainmeter is a software to beautify the appearance of the theme on the desktop. Raimeter displays various system information such as CPU, RAM, network, weather, playlist, picture, etc. It looks very attractive and futuristic, similar to the windows sidebar but can be customized to your liking. The themes vary and we can add our own by downloading them from their application.

You can edit the position settings and settings of each theme. If you want to make it non-dragable, unclick “Draggable” and click “Click through”. This will also disable the right-click menu, but luckily Rainmeter adds an icon in the Windows toolbar, which also lets you access certain menus.

Rainmeter gives you the information you need at a glance. With this application you can monitor the condition of your computer / laptop quickly, such as time, date and day, memory and battery life, or your online data stream, including email, RSS feeds, and weather forecasts. 

Most skins have interesting functions. You can even record your notes and to-do lists, run your favorite apps, and send your tweets to Twitter, without being intrusive and you can customize and customize the skin to your liking.

This application is a program that can change the appearance of your desktop to be more beautiful and attractive. The default themes provided are still few, but we can increase them by downloading themes from the official website. This application provides access to be able to edit or process the display according to our taste and creativity.

Usually the skin you load will overlap with the default Rainmeter skin. To overcome this, all you have to do is right-click on each element in the default Rainmeter and then click "Unload Skin". Then one by one the elements will disappear.

Download the Latest Rainmeter

  • License: Freeware
  • Developer: Osiris Development
  • Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11

Download Rainmeter 4.5.13 Build 3632

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