Pencil Project Free Download 32-bit / 64-bit

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Pencil, also known as Pencil Project is a free and open-source application that can be used to create diagrams and GUI prototypes. You can design user interface prototypes for various platforms including desktop, Android, and iOS. This application is also equipped with a diagramming feature that allows you to visually design the user interface flow and program flow. 

To make GUI prototypes and diagrams look more attractive, you can also use various types of cliparts. The app integrates with the vector image sharing site, You can search and use various types of cliparts for free from the site directly through this application.

Pencil Project Features

There are many diagramming applications that you can use on a Windows PC, including Edraw Max, SmartDraw, yEd Graph Editor and so on. Applications are usually chosen by users who want to create diagrams and design GUI interfaces.

The number of users who prefer to use this application is certainly not without reason, here are some of the features and advantages of Pencil Project that you need to know.

1. Create a GUI prototype

Using this app you can design various types of user interfaces from desktop to mobile platforms like Android and iOS. This application also provides a large collection of built-in shapes or elements, such as flowchart elements, desktop elements, web UI, Android, iOS and so on.

If the built-in elements embedded in this application are not sufficient to meet your needs, you can also add other elements or shapes created by the user community of this application which can be added easily by drag and drop operations.

2. Draw a diagram

This application was originally created for designing GUI prototypes, but nowadays users can also use it to create various types of diagrams.

3. Use different types of cliparts

One way to make a diagram or GUI prototype look more attractive is to add clipart. By using this application, you can use various types of clipart sourced from

You don't need to bother visiting a clipart provider site because this application is already integrated with the site, you can directly search this application and perform drag and drop operations to embed the clipart into a GUI prototype or diagram.

In short, if you are looking for a free application for Windows that you can use to design GUI prototypes or create diagrams then Pencil Project is one application you should consider.

Release Notes

  • 3.1.0
  • Sitting compact layout.
  • Optimized the output file by removing unused power subders.
  • Added screencapture and color picker.
  • Fixed API dialog and script editor.
  • Fixed bugs and improved other features.

Download the Latest Pencil Project

  • Latest Version: 3.1.0
  • Publisher: Evolution
  • Operating System: Windows
  • Application Category: Utilities & Tools
  • License: Freeware
Pencil Free Download 32-bit / 64-bit - ERZEDKA

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