Download Macgo iPhone Cleaner for Mac

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Macgo iPhone Cleaner for Mac is a good iOS cleaning app that runs on Mac OS X. It scans and then cleans most types of unnecessary files on your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch  to free up  space. storage. 

 Macgo iPhoneKey Features: 

  1. Safely Clean Your iPhone: The integration of advanced scanning technologies can safely remove all types of junk files. This tool can detect unwanted files like temporary files, cache, cookies, etc. and then delete them quickly.
  2. Custom cleaner for iPhone apps: You can browse your iPhone with the free iOS file explorer. Just connect your device and start scanning. The application will provide a list of folders for you to choose from. 
  3. Optimize your iPhone and reclaim more space: Advanced scanning technology  quickly scans photo caches, download caches, SMS, iMessage and email caches and more. Once the app has removed these files, your iOS device will run faster.
  4. Supports Most Junk File Types: Macgo Free iPhone Cleaner for Mac will scan and clean most types of junk files on your iOS device. The application will keep important system files but find all unnecessary files like temporary files, cache, cookies, offline, corrupted and forgotten files that you can delete. 
In general, Macgo iPhone Cleaner for Mac will clean  most of the unnecessary files. It has custom app cleaning settings, so you can modify it according to your needs, and the app is compatible with the latest iOS version; iOS 8.3 

Download Macgo iPhone Cleaner

We regularly update the app to make it better for you.Get the latest version of all available features of  Macgo iPhone Cleaner for Mac.  This release includes several bug fixes and performance improvements.

Download Macgo iPhone Cleaner for Mac


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