Tutorial How to Install Nox App Player on Windows for Beginners

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Lots of very interesting applications that we find on Android. But did you know that the application can also be installed and run on a PC using an emulator that allows Android applications to run on a PC.

With the NOX Player Emulator application you can run Android applications and play Android games on a computer or laptop. If you don't know how to install NOX android emulator on your PC, you can follow the tutorial below

Nox Player Emulator is one of the best Android emulator applications for laptops or computers, because the features in it are quite complete. Similar to other emulator applications such as bluestack, windroye, and also memu emulator, Nox Player Emulator is also capable of running android applications on Windows and MacOs operating systems.

How to Install Nox Player on Windows

Tutorial How to Install Nox App Player on Windows for Beginners

In the installation process, Nox Player is quite easy without requiring some additional settings. Now for laptop or computer specifications so that Nox can run smoothly, at least your laptop or computer has the following specifications:
  • RAM more than 2 GB
  • Processor 2.2 Ghz or above
  • Graphics card 1 GB or more
  • Intel Core i3 or higher

Here are the ways to install Nox Player on Windows.

1. First download the Nox Player Emulator application, Click Here.

2. Then run the Nox Player Emulator installer, then you will be taken to the Nox App Player page. Then click the Install button and don't forget to check "I have read and accept the Nox License Agreement".

3. Then wait until the installation process is complete. See the example in the picture. 

4. When the installation process is complete, click Start to run the Nox App Player application. 

5. Then wait a few moments until the process is complete.

6. When you're done, this is how the Nox App Player looks like that you can use. See the example in the picture.nox app display

Then so that you can download applications on Nox App Player, you must register your Google account first, how to:
  • Click on Google Play Store to set up your Google account. Or it could be when you want to download the application you want to download, if you haven't registered a Google account, it will automatically ask for a Google account.
  • Then on Add Google Account, click Existing if you already have a Google account. Or if you want to create a new account, click New.
  • Then enter your Google or Gmail account. See the example in the image.
  • Then click OK if the textbox about Term and Policy appears. See the example in the picture. Click OK on the textbox

After the account registration process is complete, now it's just a matter of adjusting the settings in it to suit your needs and make it easier to use.

  1. Go to settings on Nox App Player.
  2. Then select the Advanced Settings menu, in this menu you can adjust the performance of Nox App Player according to your wishes and the performance of your PC. When you have finished setting the Nox App Player settings, click Save Settings. See the example in the picture. set the nox settings
  3. Finally, you just have to reload the Nox Player Application to apply the settings as you want by clicking Restart Now. See the example in the picture. Restart nox

So that's how to install Nox App Player and how to set up the Android emulator on Windows. From now on you can use Android applications smoothly on a computer or laptop

This is a tutorial on how to install Nox App Player on Windows. Hopefully this article can be useful and help your problem when you want to play android games on a PC or open other android applications.

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