Top 5 Best Ink Tank Printer This Year

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Hello loyal readers, meet us again in the next article, on this occasion Erzedka will discuss a list of options for infusion printers with original original ink tanks produced by the manufacturer.

Printers with this tank are very, very helpful in the printing world because with the advent of the latest technological infusion printer system, it has overcome the worries and fears of printer users who have been feeling wasteful about the routine costs of purchasing expensive cartridges.

This printer with the manufacturer's ink-infusion technology is a very in demand printer from the beginning of its launch, which was initiated by the Epson printer manufacturer, who launched the Epson infusion technology printer with the original ink tank on the EPSON L-Series type, namely L100.

Complete Price List of All Inktank Printers (All Brands)

This Epson L-series printer did not take long to sell well in the market, equipped with a minimalist ink tank located on the side of the printer body unit with a small lock on the front bottom that can be rotated. At first this lever was anticipation.

For the printer if the users change places quite often (change the lever to Move) and return the lever to the printer image (if it has been reused)

But over time, things like this lever were felt to be no longer needed because they did not have much effect on its application, that concern disappeared and until now many other printer manufacturers such as Canon Printers, Brother Printers, HP Printers have also launched the same type of printer equipped with original ink tank.

Apart from that, the main thing is printing with ink technology that can be continuously supplied from the ink tank, facilities and other new functions are also added as innovations, such as multifunction printers, auto feeder scanner (ADF) facilities, fax machines and two-sided printing facilities, ink tank printers. 

Up to A3 print size is also not missed. In addition, in terms of price, each printer brand has its own price for each type of inktank printer,

For all of you readers, of course, you have your own preferences and favorites for a printer brand, whether it's from personal experience, printer reviews or specifications from friends, you can individually determine and compare the printers you want to buy by adjusting your budget and comparing all the facilities. printers that are available at a suitable price, to speed things up, here is a complete price list of the best and most popular inktank printers of all types.

Inkjet Printers vs Ink Tank Inkjet

So what is the actual difference between an ink tank printer and a cartridge inkjet printer? In short, cartridge inkjet printers still use cartridges that have a built-in print head. If it runs out, users can refill it or buy a new cartridge. Meanwhile, ink tank printers do not use a built-in print head.

The way it works is that ink is distributed to the printer continuously from the ink tank. Thus reducing the need for cartridge replacement. If the ink runs out, simply fill the tank with ink from the ink bottle.

In general, the price of an ink tank printer is above the price of a cartridge inkjet printer. However, for long term use it is much more efficient.

Because it has low printing costs and the availability of cheap refillable bottles. The advantage of today's ink tank printers is that they can be multifunctional, namely they can not only print, but can also copy and scan.

Which brand is best for ink tank printer?

1. HP Inktank Printers

  • HP Ink Tank 115 USD $92.93
  • HP Ink Tank 310 (Print, Scan, Copy) USD $105.81
  • HP Ink Tank 315 (Print, Scan, Copy) USD $110.34
  • HP Ink Tank 319 Rp 126.00
  • HP Ink Tank Wireless 415 (Print, Scan, Copy + Wifi) USD $153.15
  • HP Ink Tank 419 USD $176.82

2. CANON Inktank Printers

  • Canon G1010 (Print Only) IDR 93.98
  • Canon G2000 (Print, Scan, Copy) USD $126.00
  • Canon G2010 (Print, Scan, Copy) USD $119.39
  • Canon G3000 (Print, Scan, Copy, Lan) USD $67.42
  • Canon G3010 (Print, Scan, Copy, Wifi) IUSD $155.58
  • Canon G4010 (Print, Scan, Copy, Fax, Wifi) USD $227.98

3. Brother Inktank Printers

  • Brother HL-T4000DW A3 – USD $424.64
  • Brother HL-T4500DW A3 – USD $682.20

4. EPSON Inktank Printers

  • Epson L120 *Discontinued
  • Epson L300 *Discontinued
  • Epson L210 *Discontinued
  • Epson L220 *Discontinued
  • Epson L350 *Discontinued
  • Epson L355 (Print, Scan, Copy, Wifi) USD $147.93
  • Epson L3110 (Print, Scan, Copy) USD $143.40
  • Epson L3150 (Print, Scan, Copy, Wifi) USD $180.99
  • Epson L360 (Print, Scan, Copy) USD $150.01
  • Epson L380 (Print, Scan, Copy) USD $158.72
  • Epson L365 (Print, Scan, Copy, Wifi) USD $178.56
  • Epson L385 (Print, Scan, Copy, Wifi) USD $178.56
  • Epson L3150 (Print, Scan, Copy, Wifi) USD $190.39
  • Epson L405 (Print, Scan, Copy, Wifi) USD $192.39
  • Epson L455 (Print, Scan, Copy, Wifi) USD $217.19
  • Epson L485 (Print, Scan, Copy, Wifi) USD $217.89
  • Epson L550 (Print, Scan, Copy, Fax, Wifi) USD $217.19
  • Epson L555 (Print, Scan, Copy, Fax, Wifi) USD $242.25
  • Epson L565 (Print, Scan, Copy, Fax, Wifi) USD $247.82
  • Epson L605 (Print, Scan, Copy, Wifi) USD $283.67
  • Epson L655 (Print, Scan, Copy, Fax, Wifi) USD $332.40
  • Epson L800 (Epson Official + Ink 6) USD $229.72
  • Epson L805 (Epson Official + Ink 6) USD $261.05
  • Epson L850 (Print, Scan, Copy) (Epson Official + Ink 6) USD $353.63
  • Epson L1300 (Official Epson A3 + Ink 4) USD $387.74
  • Epson L1800 (Official Epson A3 + Ink 6) USD $453.87
  • Epson L1455 (Print, Scan, Copy, Fax, Wifi, Duplex)(A3) USD $717.01
  • Epson L4150 (Print, Scan, Copy, Wifi) USD $226.24
  • Epson L4160 (Print, Scan, Copy, Wifi) USD $250.60
  • Epson L5190 (Print, Scan, Copy, Fax, Wifi) USD $274.97
  • Epson L6160 (Print, Scan, Copy, Wifi) USD $274.97
  • Epson L6170 (Print, Scan, Copy, Wifi) USD $327.18
  • Epson L6190 (Print, Scan, Copy, Fax, Wifi) USD $33.07

5. Monochrome Epson Inktank

  • Epson M200 (Print, Scan, Copy, Wifi) USD $147.93
  • Epson M1100 (Print only) USD $135.74
  • Epson M1120 (Print only) USD $149.67
  • Epson M2140 (Print, Scan, Copy) USD $220.67
  • Epson M3170 (Print, Scan, Copy, Fax) USD $320.91

Cheaper Printing Costs

It can be concluded that ink tank printers offer more print results than inkjet printers. So the overall printing costs are much cheaper than cartridge inkjet printers.

Likewise, the ink replacement process is easier because you can fill it directly into the ink tank. You can choose an ink tank printer from Brother, Epson or HP.

So, that's the erzedka's information this time regarding the list of the best-selling and best-selling inkjet printers that you can use as an information reference, for complete information on the printer specifications of each of the types above, God willing, it will be discussed one by one, just pray that it will happen soon and don't collide with another schedule, thank you, I hope you get the printer you want!

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