Artificial Intelligence in Real Life: Is it a Good Thing?

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Artificial intelligence (AI) also accompanies the rapid growth of technology, including the development of mobile phones. With AI, the camera features on smart phones (smartphones) are increasingly optimal, like digital single lens reflex (DSLR) cameras.

The application of AI on smartphones means that this device can not only be used as a communication tool as well as record moments with mediocre quality. AI embedding making the camera feature on the cellphone produce quality images in a short time.

Through quality images produced from this collection of algorithms, we no longer need to bother processing captured images with software because the results obtained are as optimal as a professional camera. The bokeh effect, which previously could only be produced using a professional camera, can now be achieved just by using a smartphone with AI technology.

Not only the bokeh effect, through AI, image settings can run automatically, starting from image, shutter speed, exposure, saturation, color depth, to dynamic range. It's not surprising that nowadays many people prefer to buy camera phones that are equipped with AI technology. Because apart from being able to be used as a long-distance telecommunications tool and surfing in cyberspace, it can also be used as a reliable documentation tool.

Today's smartphones or smart phones are no longer just communication tools for telephone calls, SMS, surfing the internet, or several other conventional applications. With the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI), smartphones have become “intelligence platforms” that seek to understand the behavior of their users in unique ways.

Research company Gartner said that AI will be one of the main features that differentiates smartphone manufacturers, as well as being an essential feature in facing future market competition. Gartner predicts that by 2022, 80% of manufacturers will have AI capabilities in every smartphone. This data has increased rapidly compared to 2017, which only reached 10% of total smartphones.

AI-based smartphones are now increasingly easy to reach and obtain for users. One of them is the Vivo V11 and V11 Pro series. This smart phone has various artificial intelligence-based features for better interaction, unique camera results, and a smartphone engine to work according to the needs and lifestyle of each user.

How artificial intelligence can be useful?

Artificial Intelligence in Real Life: Is it a Good Thing?

Every industry has high demand for AI capabilities – especially question answering systems that can be used for legal assistance, patent searches, risk notifications, and medical research. Other uses of AI include:

1. Health services

The application of AI can provide personalized treatment and X-ray readings. A personal healthcare assistant can act as a life coach, reminding you to take a pill, exercise or eat healthier.

2. Retail

AI provides virtual shopping capabilities that offer personalized recommendations and discuss purchasing options with consumers. Stock management and site layout technology will also improve with AI.

3. Manufacture

AI can analyze factory IoT data as it flows from connected equipment to estimate expected load and demand using recurrent networks, a particular type of deep learning network used with sequence data.

4. Banking

Artificial Intelligence increases the speed, precision and effectiveness of human efforts. In financial institutions, AI techniques can be used to identify which transactions are likely to be fraudulent, adopt fast and accurate credit scoring, and automate manual sharp data management tasks.

Can AI and humans work together?

Artificial intelligence is not here to replace us. AI enhances our capabilities and makes us better at what we do. Because AI algorithms learn differently than humans, AI sees things in a different way. AI algorithms can spot relationships and patterns that might otherwise escape us. This partnership of AI and humans offers many opportunities. This partnership can:

  • Bringing analytics to industries and domains where they are underutilized.
  • Improving the performance of existing analytical technologies, such as computer vision and time series analysis.
  • Breaking down economic barriers, including language and translation barriers.
  • Improving existing abilities and making us better at what we do.
  • Giving us better vision, understanding, memory, and more.

What are the challenges of artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence will change every industry, but we must understand its limitations.

The principle limitation of AI is that AI learns from data. There is no other way to incorporate knowledge. That means inaccuracies in the data will be reflected in the results. And each additional layer of prediction or analysis must be added separately.

Today's AI systems are trained to perform clearly defined tasks. Systems that play poker cannot play solitaire or chess. Systems that detect fraud can't drive a car or give you legal advice. Even AI systems that detect healthcare fraud cannot accurately detect tax fraud or fraudulent warranty claims.

In other words, these systems are highly specialized. These systems focus on a single task and far from behaving like humans.

Likewise, self-learning systems are not autonomous systems. The AI technology you see in movies and TV is still science fiction. But computers that can investigate complex data to learn and perfect specific tasks are becoming very common.

How does Artificial Intelligence Works?

AI works by combining large amounts of data with rapid, iterative processing, and intelligent algorithms, allowing software to learn automatically from patterns or features in the data. AI is a broad field of study that encompasses many theories, methods, and technologies, as well as the following major subfields:

Machine learning automates the building of analytical models. AI uses methods from neural networks, statistics, operations research, and physics to find hidden insights in data without being explicitly programmed where to look or infer something.

A neural network is a type of machine learning consisting of interconnected units (like neurons) that process information by responding to external input, passing information between each unit. This process requires multiple passes at the data to find connections and derive meaning from undefined data.

Deep learning uses very large neural networks with many layers of processing units, takes advantage of advances in computing power, and improves training techniques to learn complex patterns in large amounts of data. Typical applications include image and speech recognition.

Cognitive computing is a subfield of AI that seeks to achieve natural, human-like interactions with machines. Using AI and cognitive computing, the ultimate goal is for machines to simulate human processes through the ability to interpret images and speech – then speak coherently in response.

Computer vision relies on pattern recognition and deep learning to recognize what is in a photo or video. If machines can process, analyze and understand images, they can capture images or videos in real time and interpret their surroundings.

Natural language processing (NLP) is the ability of computers to analyze, understand and produce human language, including speech. The next stage of NLP is natural language interaction, which allows humans to communicate with computers using normal, everyday language to perform tasks.

Additionally, several technologies enable and support AI:

  • Graphics processing units are key to AI because they provide the heavy calculations required for repetitive processing. Training a neural network requires large amounts of data as well as computing power.
  • The Internet of Things generates enormous amounts of data from connected devices, much of which goes unanalyzed. Automating models with AI will allow us to use more from AI.
  • Advanced algorithms are being developed and combined in new ways to analyze more data more quickly and at multiple levels. This intelligent process is key to identifying and predicting rare events, understanding complex systems, and optimizing unique scenarios.
  • APIs, or application processing interfaces, are portable code packages that make it possible to add AI functionality to existing software products and packages. The above can add image recognition capabilities to home security systems and Q&A capabilities that describe data, create captions and headings, or call out interesting patterns and insights in the data.

In short, the goal of AI is to provide software with the ability to process input and explain output. AI will provide human-like interactions with software and offer decision support for certain tasks, but AI is not a replacement for humans – and will not replace humans any time soon.

What are Advantages and disadvantages of AI?

What are Advantages and disadvantages of AI?

There are several advantages and disadvantages of AI. For example, one of the advantages of AI is that it can increase productivity. Meanwhile, one of the shortcomings of AI is that the results presented can potentially be inaccurate. For more details, here is a list of some of the advantages and disadvantages of AI that you need to know.

1. Advantages of AI

  • Able to cut time to complete work.
  • Can save costs on labor and increase productivity.
  • Can present consistent work results.
  • Can provide service around the clock 24/7.

2. Disadvantages of AI

  • AI development is expensive and requires deep technical expertise.
  • Highly dependent on the data used for training. If the data is biased or unrepresentative, the results from the AI system can be inaccurate.
  • While AI can perform certain tasks with a high degree of accuracy, they may struggle to understand the context or situation as thoroughly as humans can.
  • Has the potential to reduce human employment, thereby increasing unemployment.

Artificial Intelligence We Use Everyday

One of the increasingly advanced technological developments is evidenced by the increasingly widespread use of AI or Artificial Intelligence in everyday life. Currently, there is so much artificial intelligence that we use every day, sometimes people are not even aware of it. This AI has spread to various fields ranging from automotive, business, entertainment, education and even health.

However, if you were asked what examples of AI we use every day, could you answer? Well, here we will discuss this further.

What are some examples of AI in everyday life?

Artificial intelligence continues to receive worldwide attention over time. In practice, artificial intelligence is divided into two, namely weak AI and strong AI. Weak AI is designed to carry out certain tasks as programmed. Meanwhile, Strong AI is designed with a system that is cognitive like humans.

This means that strong AI is able to create a solution to a problem without the role of humans. In another sense, Strong AI learns like humans. So, the more things they learn, the smarter they become. The aim of both is of course the same, namely to make human work easier and more efficient.

So, from the review above, are you increasingly curious about what artificial intelligence is used in everyday life? Here's the review:

1. Virtual assistant

When we hear the name "virtual assistant" perhaps the first thing we imagine is a mechanical robot that is able to move and think like a human. However, in fact this virtual assistant is a "robot" that is often found in software or features in gadgets.

Have you ever been suddenly reminded by Google Maps to go to the office at 9 am? Or maybe Google Maps can know where your house is even though you never entered your home or work address data.
Well, this is said to be one of the skills of a virtual assistant. So, the artificial intelligence embedded in this virtual assistant will learn your daily routine so that it will try to make suggestions to you regarding the activities you usually do.

For example, when you ask a question, "Do I have a schedule today?" The virtual assistant will immediately answer via real time voice message just like you have a personal assistant. In essence, this technology is able to detect your voice and immediately collect information from whatever is recorded on your device, then reveal it via voice message again.

Examples of virtual assistants are Siri (iPhone), Bixby (Samsung), and OK Google (for Google phones). Interesting right?

2. GPS Navigation

This technology is very helpful in today's era. The technology embedded in GPS itself is quite complicated because the process uses big data. GPS here is not only able to predict distance and time, but is also able to detect how congested the road you want to traverse is with various colored symbols. From here, users are given the fastest route option to avoid traffic jams.

What's even more interesting is that GPS also has a three-dimensional feature that allows you to see a three-dimensional view of the location just via the gadget screen.

3. Instagram Filters

One of the artificial intelligence that we use in everyday life is the filter feature in social media. For example, on TikTok or Instagram, you can easily get rid of acne or make your face look thinner and cleaner with just one press. In fact, when we use video or photo editing services, this certainly takes quite a long time to do because it is done manually.

Well, what's unique about social media filters is that they can do this in real time. This is artificial intelligence.

4. Virtual keyboard

One of the abilities of AI is that “they learn”. For example in this example of artificial intelligence. Virtual keyboards are usually equipped with an autocorrect feature which functions to correct typos.
However, gradually this feature is getting smarter. The more we type, the more they "learn" so it's not uncommon for us to only type one letter, then several word predictions appear that match what we think.

5. Entertainment services such as movies, music and other streaming applications

In the service features, both music, films and so on, we will find "content recommendations". So, this content recommendation certainly contains content that you might like.

So where did they get it?

They get it from studying patterns and types of content that are often opened or viewed. From there they get a list of relevant recommendations. One example of artificial intelligence can be easily found on various social media, for example YouTube.

6. Virtual customer service or chatbot

This is also an example of artificial intelligence that we use every day. The chatbot itself is equipped with the ability to recognize phrases or words and then provide the most appropriate answer based on the trigger. 

Chatbots are widely used by business people because they can be a solution for faster service. Yes, now many online companies are starting to switch to customer service using chatbots. One reason is of course about budget.

Using a chatbot saves more budget because it doesn't require special employees tasked with customer service. Apart from that, this service can also work 24 hours a day.

Well, interestingly, the artificial intelligence feature in this service is also able to understand language and is able to choose the right diction to answer questions from potential customers.

7. Do a search on an internet page

Search engines or what are known as Search Engines are a form of artificial intelligence that we use every day. The intelligence of this search engine itself is also helped by the contribution of internet users who share knowledge with each other through various articles or writings.

Artificial intelligence in search engines lies in a system that is equipped with the ability to learn the habits of its users. They are equipped with the ability to carry out predictive searches, where when you enter keywords, the system will automatically recommend some relevant information. Well, this will certainly make things easier, right? Examples of search engines are Bing and Google.

8. Social media

From time to time, the development of social media is always amazing. However, it is important to know that this development cannot be separated from the role of AI. Artificial intelligence is embedded here to provide feed and friend recommendations. Apart from that, AI on social media is also able to filter fake news and other news.

9. Product advertising

If you have ever seen advertisements appearing on your device, it means that AI is playing a role there. The majority of ads now utilize AI technology coupled with special algorithms to analyze products you have purchased or want to purchase based on previous searches.

10. Online game

Examples of artificial intelligence that we use every day can also be seen in online games. AI technology in online games is able to provide a challenging experience for gamers. One example is an NPC game that has dynamic reactions to the player's treatment. Apart from that, player-experience modeling is also used to perform dynamic balancing based on the player's skills.

11. M-Banking

One of the artificial intelligence that we find in M-banking is an alert when the balance decreases or an alert when a customer uses a credit card to buy something. AI here is tasked with providing verification of every purchase to prevent incorrect use of credit cards.

12. Translator

Please note that now translators are also equipped with AI. Translator has voice record capabilities which make it possible to translate your voice into the selected language. Not only that, some translator applications even have a camera feature, making it easier for you to translate an article without having to type it, just take a photo and the translation results will be immediately available.

13. Online Shop

Have you ever opened a marketplace and immediately decided to choose the goods or products on the homepage? Well, this is one of the capabilities of AI. The artificial intelligence that we use every day is not obvious enough so you might not be aware of it.

However, you need to remember that if a marketplace, for example, has thousands or even millions of items, why among these millions are they able to provide suggestions that match what you want?

Well, the answer is of course because the online shop system is always equipped with artificial intelligence which is able to recommend products or goods based on keywords or products that you have seen. They record it well and present it on your homepage.


Artificial Intelligence is a lesson about how humans imitate the intelligence possessed by humans themselves so that later it can be implemented on computing machines (computers). AI tends to have limited understanding in understanding complex contexts. For example, in natural language processing, AI may not be able to understand hidden meanings or nuances in conversations.

In conclusion, AI is a promising technology with great potential to improve efficiency and accuracy in various fields. However, it is important to remember that the use of AI must also be done carefully, considering the drawbacks and ethical implications that may arise.

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