What is Copyright? History, Function and its Benefits

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When making a work, of course you don't want someone who is not responsible for taking ideas or duplicating the work that you have made. To prevent this, you need to pay attention to the protection of your work, which we are familiar with copyright or copyright.

Copyright or copyright is a legal way to protect the author's work. This is a type of intellectual property that provides exclusive publication, distribution, and use rights for writers. That is, any content created by the author cannot be used or issued by others without the author's permission. The period of copyright protection can vary from one country to another, but usually lasts during the age of the author plus 50 to 100 years.

Various types of content can be protected by copyright, for example including books, poetry, drama, songs, films, and artwork. In modern times, copyright protection has been expanded to other websites and online content. 

Therefore, every original content published on the web is protected by the Copyright Law. This protection is considered important in the current digital era, because large amounts of content can be easily copied and attached.

So how do you get copyright protection? Fortunately, in most countries, copyright protection is automatic. That is, every time you publish the original content, automatically protected by the Copyright Law. To find out more, let's know what is copyright, understanding, history, function and its benefits.

What is copyright in simple words?

What is Copyright? History, Function and its Benefits

Copyright or copyright refers to the legal rights of the owner of intellectual property. In simpler terms, copyright is the right to copy. This means that the original product maker and whoever they give authorization is the only one who has the exclusive right to reproduce the work. 

The Copyright Law gives the creator of the original material exclusive rights to use further and duplicate the material for a certain period of time, where items have the right to be a public domain.

Answering what is copyright, copyright refers to the legal rights of the owner or creator of the work. In simpler terms, copyright is the right to copy. This means that the original product maker and whoever they give authorization is the only one who has the exclusive right to reproduce the work.

The Copyright Law gives exclusive rights to the original creator to use further and doubling the work for a certain period of time, before becoming a public domain.

The Copyright Law can apply to various works, such as:

  • Writing: Books, Articles, Reviews, Poetry, Essays, Blogs, Drama, and Films
  • The contents of the website: text, images, graphics, and even page layout
  • Computer Programs: Business, Personal, and Entertainment
  • Images, Videos, or Audio: Film, TV Program, and Podcast
  • Music: lyrics and instrumental, both recorded or played
  • Artistic work: paintings, images, statues, graphics, maps, charts, and photography
  • Architectural Design: Design for city, commercial, and residential buildings, bridges, highways, and tunnels

What is the History of Copyright Law?

The concept of Copyright H was developed after the printing press began to be used in Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries. The printing machine makes the production of work much cheaper, but because initially there is no copyright law, anyone can buy or rent a press and print any text. 

New works that are popular immediately re -regulated and re -published by competitors, so the printer requires a constant new material flow. The costs paid to the author for new works are quite high, and significantly increase the income of many academics involved.

Printing brings great social change in increasing literacy throughout Europe which causes dramatic increase in the demand for reading material. Low print prices, so that publications can be purchased by poorer people, creating mass audiences. 

After the Copyright Act was set in 1710 in England and Scotland, and in the 1840s in German-speaking areas, the market had previously set low prices due to the absence of laws governing the copyright disappearing and the edition of the work that had a copyright began to be marketed.

What is the Function of Copyright?

When someone makes a product that is seen as genuine and requires significant mental activity to make it, this product is an intellectual property that must be protected from unauthorized duplication. Examples of unique creations include computer software, art, poetry, graphic design, song lyrics and music composition, novels, films, original architectural design, website content, etc. One safety that can be used to protect the original creation is legally copyright.

According to the Copyright Law, a work is considered original if the maker is made from independent thinking without duplication. This type of work is known as an original work or original work of authorship (OWA). 

Anyone with the original work of the paper automatically has a copyright over the work, preventing others from using or duplicating it. Copyright can be registered voluntarily by the original owner if they want to get advantages in the legal system if needed.

Not all types of works are entitled to copyright because copyright does not protect ideas, discoveries, concepts, or theories. Brand names, logos, slogans, domain names, and titles also cannot be protected by copyright laws. To get copyright, original works must be in a real form. That is, every speech, discovery, music scores, or ideas must be written in physical form to be protected by copyright.

Why do people need copyright?

Copyright or copyright is a form of intellectual property protection provided by law. Copyright protection is available for the original work of the author determined in a real form, whether published or unpublished. Categories of works that can be protected by copyright law include paintings, literary works, direct performances, photos, films, and software.

1. Exclusive rights

Reporting from lib.umn.edu, if you create a physical object, you can use physical methods to control who can use it. But creative and expressive work is a little more difficult to control. 

For example if you write a book and want to control who can read it, once you release the copy, you will lose control of your work. The person you give a copy can forward it to others, make a new copy, or even memorize it and read it in public.

Copyright can handle this problem by providing laws to control ownership and distribution of creative and expressive works. Then the purpose of copyright is to create a mechanism to control ownership and distribution of expressive works.

2. Control the ownership of the work

If there is no copyright, everyone can make a copy of each new creative work without permission from the owner of the original work. But because of this, the creator can decide whether their creative work is distributed or not, and how his work is distributed. And if many people want a copy of the work, the creator of the work can ask people to pay to have the copy.

So the purpose of copyright is to create a mechanism for the creator of the work to control ownership of expressive work, so that they can receive payments for their work.

3. Helps improve progress

Most creators of works make work or products because they know they can get paid for copies. Because copyright allows the Creator to get paid, many people make more works. And the creative and expressive work sometimes has a good impact on society, because it helps in developing art, science, and culture.

So the purpose of copyright is to create a mechanism that helps the creator of the work control and receive payment of his work, and thanks to this can encourage them to produce more works or products, which are beneficial to the whole community.

What is the difference between a copyright symbol and a trademark?

Copyright is often equated with trademark. In fact, both are different things. Copyright is something you have automatically when creating a work. Meanwhile, you must register patents and trademarks to the authorized institution.

However, the difference between the two is not only that. Quoting from nerd wallet, here are the differences between copyright and trademark.

  • Copyright protects original work, while trademarking protects something that distinguishes or characterizes a business from another
  • A copyright is created automatically when a work is made, while trademark is created through the use of something continuously by a business
  • A copyright will expire after some time, while trademark will not expire as long as the trademark is continued to be used

How do you create a copyright?

What is copyright in simple words

Generally the way Copyright works can work legally when you register a work that has been made to the authorized body. If you want to provide protection for the work, then you can register it with a protection agency. To register itself you will not go through a very complicated process.

1. Prepare documents or meet the required requirements

Although easy, you still need to prepare everything as a condition that has been determined by the authorized body. Furthermore, if you have received the right to copyright legally, valid, and officially then you will get full control of the work that you made before. That way, you can set your own use of the work, for example in terms of limiting the multiplication or copying of the work in general.

2. Using a copyright symbol

In emphasizing the protection of works that already have a copyright you can use the following symbols © on existing works. You can use these symbols at the beginning of the text or at the end of the image. 

However, if your work is a special creation like a song, then you can use the following symbol ®. This special symbol can protect your creation which is specifically as a marker of a work in the form of recording or recording.

3. Validity period

In addition, you need to know that what Copyright is also a predetermined validity period. Generally, the duration of this time will apply at different times in each country. However, some countries in general have a life -pmons that have been added with 70 years of death of the owner or creator.

4. Re-register if the validity period runs out

Then if the validity period is over, then if you want to get a copyright again, you need to re -register the product or work. That way, the owner of the work can benefit as well as the function of what is Copyright and the work that will still be recorded.

What types of materials are copyrighted?

Quoted from The Balance Small Business, there are several products that can have copyright rules. The products in question are as follows.

1. Writing

The first work subject to Copyright is written work. There are many types of papers in question, including books, articles, poetry, essays, blogs, scripts, to review.

This paper is not limited to written things printed. Various other writing results published online and used in films are also subject to copyright.

2. website content

The next product is that Copyright is website content. This content can be owned by individuals, institutions, organizations, and companies. The website content in question is not only writing. Images, photos, graphics, to website layouts can also be subject to copyright.

3. Computer Program

During this time, most products that we know can be subject to copyright are only things that can be seen physically. In fact, computer programs are also one of them. The computer program in question is all programs related to business, individuals, and entertainment.

4. Motion and audio images

This product is well known in terms of copyright, namely motion and audio images. Usually people use these two things to be included in their new work. Indeed, often someone modifies it first and upload it.

However, it is also included in the copyright. Motion and audio images in question are films, television programs, podcasts, and so forth.

5. Music

Similar to the previous point, music is also widely used by content creators. Usually people use music in the podcast or vlog works.

However, you must pay attention to the copyright of a music before using it. To be safer, you can choose music accompanied by the statement "No Copyright".

6. Artistic work

The next product that is subject to copyright is artistic work. This work includes paintings, images, statues, maps, graphics, charts, to photography results. So before using it in your work, pay attention to the copyright that applies to these products.

7. Architectural design

Original architectural design works are also included in products that are subject to copyright. The work in question includes the design of buildings, bridges, houses, to toll roads, both those used personally and commercially.


Copyright itself will appear automatically when a work that meets the requirements to be protected. The work must be original, meaning that it must come from the author, who will use some assessments or skills in its manufacture. 

In addition, now Copyright protects copyright in cyberspace, for example, if you post a blog on the internet, your content is automatically protected by copyright. In many cases, the type of copyright protection is the only best way of protection that can help the creators. 

However, if you want others to know that your content is protected by copyright, you can post the copyright logo (©) next to your name on any web page that includes your original content. You might also want to include how long the duration or year of copyright you already have.

In conclusion, copyright is the right of someone who created an original work to copy his work or give permission to other parties to copy it. If you create a work, pay attention to people who use your work. Don't let them violate the existing copyright.

On the other hand, you also have to pay attention to the applicable copyright when using other people's work. Well, when talking about copyright. In addition to copyright, you must have heard the name of patent and brand rights, right? But, what's the difference? Comment below..!!

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