Download ThrottleStop 9.2 Free

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ThrottleStop is a free application for Windows PCs that can be used to monitor and adjust three types of CPU throttling to improve processor performance.

If you are a laptop user, you may have experienced where the laptop you are using becomes slow, chokes, or freezes under certain conditions. Well by using this app you can track down the various causes of CPU throttling.

Most laptops and computers have been configured to limit the power allocated to certain processes. In order for your device to run optimally, you can manage device resources using this app.

ThrottleStop feature

There are many free applications that you can use to optimize CPU and processor performance, this application made by Kevin Glynn is one that is quite popular.

The number of users who prefer to use this application to optimize computer performance is certainly not without reason, here are some of the features and advantages of ThrottleStop that you need to know.

1. Bypass CPU throttling

Most laptops or computers have a clock modulation reducer feature to reduce power usage. However, lowering power usage can also have an impact on computer performance.

By using this application you can bypass or bypass CPU throttling via the pinned menu on the left side of the application window, while on the right side of the application window there is the status of each CPU thread.

2. Equipped with complete features

In the main window of the application there is a set of features that can be used to adjust the performance of the computer, you can configure Clock Modulation, Chipset Clock Modulation, Set Multiplier, Turbo mode and so on.

3. Monitor power consumption

This application is also equipped with a power monitoring feature that allows you to know the power consumed in real-time. This feature allows you to configure your computer so that it does not exceed the capabilities of the power adapter you are using. This application is intended for advanced computer users, for those of you who are beginners need to be careful when modifying the various parameters in this application.

The reason is, changing the default CPU throttling scheme in an inappropriate way can result in permanent damage to the laptop or computer and the power adapter. In short, if you want to optimize the performance of your laptop or computer with a more practical approach then ThrottleStop is one application that you need to consider.

Release Notes

  • Version 9.2
  • Added access to default Windows power settings.
  • Fixed a thread CPU report issue.
  • Fixed the BCLK MHz report.
  • Add a suspend or resume time report to the log file.
  • Fixed bugs and improved other features.

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