Refill Ink Cartridges for EPSON L3110/L3150

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Tips on How to Fill Epson L3110/L3150 Ink so it's not Wrong

Epson L3110/L3150 Ink Fills – Hello, on this occasion the Erzedka wants to make a review on how to refill the Epson L3110 or L3150 printer ink, actually refilling Epson ink is very easy, and on average, the method is almost the same, the difference is only in the shape of the ink tank.

Actually, the method of filling ink is the same, when you first fill it up when buying an Epson L-series printer, what you need to know before you fill ink in this series is to know what Epson printer ink code is suitable for refilling Epson printer ink. L3010 or other series. Because many Epson printer users don't check first and end up buying the wrong ink.

After all, you don't want it if the ink you bought turns out to be wrong and can't refill your printer. If I'm not mistaken, the price of the Epson L3110 printer ink uses the ink code 664. To get it is also quite easy, you can buy online or visit the nearest computer store

How do you fill ink in a printer?

Note: it is strictly forbidden to refill ink when the printer is in the process of printing.

  1. You already have to prepare/buy ink, if you have just continued the process of filling the ink.
  2. If this is your first time, first open the ink cardboard packaging that you bought.
  3. After that, open the airtight plastic seal that covers the ink bottle, then open the ink bottle so that it is ready to be used immediately.

The process of filling ink into the tank hole

  1. After you are done with unpacking, you have to open the tank cover first.
  2. Next you will find 4 blue ink hole caps, each cover is also equipped with a color description according to the color content on the back.
  3. Open the blue lid according to the color of the ink that will be filled until you see the hole slot for filling.
  4. Pour by directing the tip of your ink bottle directly into the filling hole *don't worry about spilling because the ink bottle design is spill-proof.
  5. The ink filling process has been running, the ink has flowed from the bottle into the tank tube.

After you feel that both of them are suitable, you just need to match and attach the two ends (the ink tank to the end of the bottle) so that the tin will flow from the bottle into the tank tube.

The combination of the ink refill hole design in the tank is very compatible with the ink bottle design, so the risk of spillage is very small, so if you think it is enough to fill the ink you can immediately pull the bottle from the end of the tank hole even though there is still ink remaining in the tank. in a bottle.

So, that's how to refill ink or it can also be called refill ink for the original Epson printer infusion tank l3110 or other similar series, this ink filling process at least needs to be done when you find that the condition of the ink capacity is already at the bottom line, but it still hasn't arrived at the bottom line. the line you can also do the filling.

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