How to Research YouTube Keywords to Increase Views

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YouTube, which is a product from Google, offers a video platform that has more users than the others. Plus, various interesting features are provided, one of which is ads, which means video creators can earn money from there.

However, to be able to reach the best level with tens of thousands to millions of views, you need to research YouTube keywords properly and correctly. When you know how to research YouTube keywords, you can be sure that the number of views will increase sharply.

Using the right keywords is a win-win solution for YouTube SEO. How easy is it to research YouTube keywords? As a content creator or YouTube Vlogger, of course you want your channel to be watched by many people, get lots of subscribers, and ultimately make money.

YouTube monetization is currently increasingly popular among many groups. Starting from artists, political figures, athletes, to ordinary people can become famous and make money through YouTube.

YouTube can make money from Adsense, advertising and sponsorships. Of course, there are requirements that must be met for a YouTube channel to make money, namely reaching a minimum of 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours.

So, to increase this number, good SEO implementation is needed, one of which is choosing the right keywords. This keyword can be the main key that makes your video appear at the top.

Keywords themselves can be embedded between the video title sentence, video description, hashtags, or in the video narrative. So, how do you research YouTube keywords?

What is YouTube Keyword Research?

How to Research YouTube Keywords to Increase Views

YouTube Keyword Research is a way to find keywords in the form of words or phrases that the target audience often uses to search for YouTube videos. In simple terms, YouTube keyword research is the same as keyword research for blogs and websites.

Your video has a chance to appear at the top of the YouTube search column if you know the right keywords. By adding YouTube viewers, you have the opportunity to have more viewers for each video content on your YouTube. 

Apart from that, doing keyword research can also be a way for you to find interesting content ideas so that the content creation process can improve.

The Importance of YouTube Keyword Research

YouTube keyword research is very important. All SEO strategies make keyword selection a win-win solution. Because, this keyword is part of Google's main algorithm.

Apart from that, keywords will also be embedded in almost all content structures, be it articles, image captions, videos, even URL addresses. How important is YouTube keyword research in SEO?

According to Moz, keywords are a "bridge" between the topics that users are searching for and the content you publish. Keywords can communicate to search engines about the contents of your website or content.

This allows web or YouTube content to appear at the top of search results. The more relevant the keywords used, the more effective their function is for YouTube.

Furthermore, the function of YouTube keyword research is explained according to Search Engine Journal, namely:

Keywords are clues about who and what topics they want. This allows you to better meet user needs.
Keywords can provide useful clues to direct the content to suit the user's wishes.

Quoting from Bruce Clay, keywords are single words or short phrases that represent the topic a user searches for in a search engine. The selection and use of keywords is to guide content creation and optimize web pages as part of an SEO strategy.

When you align your content creation and optimization with the words, topics, products, and services your target audience is looking for, you have a greater chance of appearing in search results.

YouTube and Google use several factors to determine content relevance. However, you could say that keywords are a win-win solution that must be mastered in SEO.

What are Types of Keywords?

Types of Keywords

Before starting YouTube keyword research, you first need to know the types of keywords. The goal is so that you can determine the use of the keyword itself. What are the types of keywords?

1. Informational Keyword

Informational keywords are specific keywords used to search for certain information. For example, the keywords "benefits of dragon fruit", "caffeine content of coffee", "difference between stocks and bonds", and so on.

These informational keywords are easy to distinguish from the form of the query. Usually, these keywords are in the form of question sentences. For example, "how does YouTube make money?", or "what are the current fuel prices?".

This type of keyword does not influence users much to take action. However, these keywords are important in building brand awareness from the start.

2. Navigational Keywords

This type of keyword can direct you directly to a particular web page or channel. Usually, this type of keyword is a company name, brand name, or platform name.

For example, most users tend to prefer searching for the keyword "YouTube" to enter the YouTube page rather than manually entering the URL

Another example is when you want to view a YouTube channel, of course you will search for the channel name and then click on the channel you are looking for. This method is easier than searching by typing the URL address manually.

3. Commercial Keywords

These types of keywords can reveal a user's interest about a particular product or service. These searches can occur when someone wants to know more about a particular product or service.

Examples are the keywords "review of cheap local shoes", "advantages of iPhone 13", "McD's newest menu", and the like. These keywords help uncover a user's interest in purchasing or conducting future commercial activities.

4. Transactional Keywords

This type of keyword has a very strong influence on taking action. Especially actions related to buying and selling transactions. It is not uncommon for these keywords to use paid advertising and optimize backlinks to direct users directly to the check out page.

Examples of these keywords are “buy a bicycle online”, “near toast”, “sell used laptops”, and so on. This keyword search usually appears after the user has enough information and is determined to buy a product.

How to Research YouTube Keywords?

How to Research YouTube Keywords?

After understanding the importance of YouTube keyword research, of course you realize that keywords are a very important win-win solution.

Therefore, let's take a look at the following explanation about how to research YouTube keywords, come on!

1. Compile a List of Popular Topics

The first step you have to take is to collect a list of topics that you can create video content on. This list of topics is an initial keyword that can become a framework for thinking.

Everyone browsing YouTube is probably looking for a specific topic, or a specific problem solving solution. Searching on YouTube is a little different from searching on Google.

If on Google people usually look for recommendations for mountain shoes, then on YouTube what they are looking for are video reviews of mountain shoes. To complete this list of topics. You can use Google Trends.

2. Generate Keyword Ideas

After compiling a list of topics, the next step is to generate keyword ideas. To do this, you can use additional tools such as Tube Buddy or

This tool can be used to see the keywords that are most relevant to the topic you have searched for. You can find some of the best keyword recommendations.

Apart from that, you can also see the search volume for each keyword displayed. The higher the search volume, the more often the keyword is searched by users.

3. Data Analysis

The final step is to analyze the data you have obtained. The way to do this is to search for a keyword that you have found, then try watching the top five videos in YouTube search results.

Try giving a score of 1-10 to the video you watch, then also pay attention to the number of likes, dislikes, viewers and comments.

Use this data as a consideration whether the keywords you are searching for are in line with a large search volume or vice versa.

4. Using YouTube Autocomplete

The simplest way to search for YouTube keywords is to use YouTube Autocomplete or Suggestion. You have actually often done this method when searching for videos on YouTube. 

When you type a few words in the search field, YouTube will provide suggestions for keywords that are popular or most frequently searched for.

5. See Competitors' Best Videos

So, if you are confused about finding keyword and topic ideas, it's better to go directly to video points from competitors. This way of searching for YouTube keywords is quite powerful and fairly easy. Because you only need to ATM (observe, imitate, modify) the best videos from competitors.

Then how?

First, open your competitor's YouTube channel or a channel in the same niche. For example, the following Learning to Do Business video channel. Then, click the Video tab on the competitor's home page.

Then, click the SORT BY menu > Most Popular.

After that, you will see videos that have high views. You can copy the topic and create even better content. So, to find out the keywords, you can try looking at the title and description.

6. Viewing Competitor Video Tags

Actually, by looking at the titles and descriptions of competitors, you can get potential YouTube keywords. However, if you want more in-depth research, you can try looking at the meta tags of the video.

7. Utilizing the YouTube Keyword Application

Apart from the two YouTube keyword research methods mentioned above, you can also take advantage of the available SEO tools. There are many YouTube SEO tools that you can use. So, we will provide a review of several tools that you can use.


The YouTube SEO tool that you can use is is a keyword research tool on various platforms, starting from Google, Bing, Amazon, Instagram, and YouTube. With this tool, you can get YouTube keyword ideas along with information on volume, trends over the last year, CPC, and keyword competition.

You can use this tool for free and paid. However, if you use the free version, you cannot see volume, trend, CPC and competition information.

b. WordTracker


Another YouTube keyword research tool that you can try is WordTracker. This tool is actually almost the same as, the difference is that this tool can be used for free with a limit of 10 researches per use. This tool can provide several keyword information, such as volume, trends, and competitors.

c. VidIQ

If you want a tool that is easier to use, without having to move tools around, you can use VidIQ. This tool is available in the form of an extension that you can install in your browser. 

Once installed in your browser, you can use VidIQ to see keyword ideas, trends, popular videos, competitors and more when opening YouTube.

d. Google Trends

You can also do YouTube keyword research using Google Trends. Maybe you are already familiar with this tool. This tool is also often used to research website or blog keywords and find out search trends on Google.

How to use it is also quite easy, just enter keywords in the search field. For example, with the keyword "diet tips".

As a result, you can see a graph or search volume for these keywords according to a certain time, for example 1 year, 9 months, 6 months, or the last 3 months.

In Google Trends, you can also enter other keywords to compare and see which keywords have more potential. You can also get information on related keywords that are also currently popular. You can see it in the Related queries menu.


So, that's a way to find YouTube keywords that you can try to apply. You can use the most practical and simple method with YouTube Autocomplete. Or, research competitors' videos.

For more in-depth research, also use YouTube SEO tools, either free or paid, as we explained in the previous discussion.

Doing YouTube keyword research is as important as doing keyword research to create a blog or website page. By doing YouTube keyword research, you can create content that your target audience is looking for. So, the chance of getting lots of viewers is greater.

Before creating content, it's a good idea for you to also learn about video marketing. Apart from making your videos interesting, your content can also sell more.

By doing YouTube keyword research, you have actually implemented one of the YouTube SEO strategies. If this strategy is implemented correctly, your YouTube performance is guaranteed to skyrocket..!!

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