5+ Canon Printer Error Codes That Often Occur

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Canon Printer Error Codes that often occur are often sought after by printer users who still lack experience and history of using printers, especially in terms of overcoming various problems and errors that occur on a printing device they use.

All readers need to know too. not infrequently a digital data printing hardware on paper media such as a printer has a lot of problems that can arise either accidentally by the owner or other problems that are even well known and become a characteristic of a certain type of printer.

Basically, all electronic items are at risk of damage to a printer, usually there are various kinds of underlying things such as electric current voltage, misuse, lack of attention and in-depth care, and many more.

So when you are quite confused about buying a printer, be it a Canon inkjet printer, Epson inkjet printer, Brother, and other brands, all of them still have the risk of errors that will come in the future.

Now on this occasion, Erzedka.com will discuss some of the errors that often occur in Canon printers, which are most often encountered by printer technicians and some brief explanations,

Canon Printer Error Codes That Often Occur

5 Canon Printer Error Codes That Often Occur

1. Error 5100

The first error that often occurs with this Canon printer is that there are various problems that are mostly on the inside of the printer, the most common causes that result in an error 5100 on Canon printers such as a modified infusion (ciss) printer hose that is made by yourself (not the original factory) usually.

Not neat, resulting in abnormal movement of the cartridge housing, besides it could be that the long sensor (line) has ink/dirty splashes, the cartridge housing is damaged or has begun to weaken its performance.

1. Error 5100

This can be overcome by paying attention to some of the things above, and tidying up/cleaning the surrounding area.

2. Error 5200

Error 5200

This next Canon printer error is most often encountered on the Canon IP2770 printer but not on the Canon printer type, there are still many more, usually this error appears when the printer is in the process of printing but before the print is complete, an error appears due to the occurrence of paper jam. concerned).

3. Error B200

Error B200

This B200 error often occurs on Canon inkjet printing devices, but also does not rule out other types and this so-called device is quite rarely used, usually the problem is in the weak cartridge housing, printer cartridges that are not detected (can be damaged, it could also not be installed correctly) besides that it happened because there was a problem with damage to one of the components of the mainboard printe, the solution to overcome it was you can find out the main problem of the B200 error.

4. Error 1688/ Ink Run Out

The 3rd error problem that is often encountered on Canon printers is the Run Out Error, maybe some of you have seen this error, especially for those of you Canon printer users whose printing mode still relies on cartridges.

Ink Run Out

Well, this error usually indicates that your printer's ink capacity is running low and will run out, usually this error can be resolved by pressing the resume button on the printer for +-7 seconds, and the printing process can still run.

5. Error 5011

This 5011 error occurs quite often in various types of canon printers, the things that cause the 5011 error notification are usually because there is an error in the printer scanner or it could be that the printer motherboard is damaged. 

In the scanner section, there is usually damage to the flexible cable or damage to the scanner drive motor and optical scanner.

Error 5011

Meanwhile, on the mainboard part of the printer, this usually occurs because the flexible socket on the motherboard is damaged.

6. Error 5B00

This last error, which is the most frequently encountered, has even become one of the characteristics of several types of Canon printers, namely error 5B00. Error 5B00 usually occurs to notify printer users that the printer caounter is full.

Error 5011

How to solve this error you can look for a special resetter software provided for your printer, some software is indeed provided to solve the problem of resetting this printer ink so that it can be used normally again, but sometimes it is also quite difficult to find, so you have to take it to the nearest printer service. .

That's the information that Erzedka.com can share about error codes that often occur a canon printer, hopefully it can help increase your knowledge reference both for those who already have this canon brand printer or those who are planning to buy a canon printer.

But the Canon printer error is still light, if it hasn't caused you to have to disassemble and replace the printer components, thank you..!!

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