Tutorial How to use PuTTY Properly and Correctly

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In this guide, I will review how to use PuTTY in full. Not only is using SSH simple, but also how to use SSH Keys is also available in the PuTTY feature.

Those of you who visit this page may already be familiar with PuTTY. In fact, you may already know about PuTTY and how PuTTY works. For those of you who don't know PuTTY, here I will try to summarize: what PuTTY is, PuTTY features, a basic introduction to PuTTY and how to use PuTTY.

What is PuTTY

Tutorial How to use PuTTY Properly and Correctly

PuTTY is an open-source application that is often used for remote access, such as RLogin, SSH, and Telnet. Remote access is an application that is used to control the system remotely or in a different place. Remote access is still connected to the internet network. 

Server owners mostly use this application to access their servers. The server's remote location makes PuTTY very useful, as there is no need to go to the server location to do the configuration.

By utilizing network protocols, PuTTY performs remote on computers and servers. Unlike TeamViewer, PuTTY will only display text commands to execute certain commands.

PuTTY features

Like other SSH applications, of course, PuTTY has a feature to make SSH connections and make it an SSH client. Apart from that there are several other features offered by PuTTY.

  • Support Windows operating system.
  • Supports both 32-bit and 64-bit systems.
  • Ports available for Mac and Linux.
  • The installation files for MSI have been available since 2016.
  • Supports SSH client, telnet client, SFTP client, and rlogin.
  • Supports public-key-authentication and active-directory.
  • Supports file transfer using PSFTP and PSCP.

Transfer Files

PuTTY does not provide an interface for transferring files, but using text commands. If you don't really understand it, there are other applications that can be used to support PuTTY to perform file transfers, namely FileZilla and WinSCP. However, you have to open two different applications.

You can see complete information regarding the features provided by PuTTY on the official PuTTY page.

Difference between SSH, Telnet, Rlogin PuTTY

  • SSH is designed to use advanced protocol security qualities. Built with strong cryptography to protect against eavesdropping, hijacking, and other attempted attacks. While Telnet and Rlogin only use minimal security standards.
  • SSH and Rlogin can log in to the server without having to type in a username and password.
  • SSH can run commands to the server and will continue running even if the connection is terminated.

What is needed before running PuTTY

Before starting to run PuTTY you must prepare:

  • Servers or Virtual Private Servers
  • Putty application
  • SSH login credentials (user and password)

How to Use PuTTY for SSH Server Access

When you are going to use PuTTY to make an SSH connection, there are two ways you need to know. The first way is to use a regular connection. You need to enter the IP, Port, Username and Password when connecting to the server. Then, there is also a way to use a public key. This second method only requires typing the username and password once, after that, to access the server, just enter the IP & Port then include the private key from the server.

So before making an SSH connection, the things you need to prepare are the server IP address, username and password.

1. Make an SSH connection to the server

Step 1: Downloading PuTTY

You can download PuTTY latest release here.

Step 2: Performing the Installation

Installing PuTTY is the same as installing a typical application. So I don't think there is a problem with the installation process.

Step 3: Connecting SSH

  • Make sure you have the correct IP address, username and password.
  • Open the PuTTY application.
  • Fill in the server IP address column and also the port used. Then click Open.
  • The Login As message will appear. You only need to enter the username that was obtained earlier. Then press Enter on the keyboard.
  • The Password message will appear again. On this page, enter the password that was obtained from the service provider. Then press Enter on the keyboard.

If there are no problems at this step, then you should have entered the server text command page.

2. SSH Connection to Server (Using Public Key and Private Key)

How to use PuTTY using SSH Keys guarantees more security when compared to typing a password every time you access it. Passwords can be attacked using several hacking techniques, even just brute force. Meanwhile, using SSH Keys is difficult to crack if attacked using brute force alone.

Step 1: Downloading PuTTY

You can download PuTTY latest release.

Step 2: Performing the Installation

Installing PuTTY is the same as installing applications in general. So I think there is no problem with the installation process.

| For a regular SSH connection, you only need an IP address, username and password. When connecting using a public key and a private key, two keys are needed to access the SSH server without entering a username and password. |

Step 3: Generate Private Key

  • Download PuTTYGen (source:http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html), then install.
  • Once installed. open Putty Key Generator (PuTTYGen).
  • When it is open, move the cursor towards the center of PuTTYGen. This process is carried out to create uniqueness in making the Key.
  • Then click Generate.
  • Copy the Key that appears from the generated results, and save it temporarily in Notepad or a similar application.
  • Still on the same page. Click Private Keys to save the Key.
  • Click Save Private Keys and then click Yes.
  • You can adjust the file name according to your needs, then click Save. Files that have been saved will use the .ppk extension.

Step 4: Configure Keys in cPanel

| This article will only discuss configuring SSH Keys on Hosting, as for configuring SSH Keys in an article that I made before (source: https://www.niagahoster.co.id/blog/how-to-use-ssh/) |

  • Open an active cPanel Hosting account.
  • When logged in to cPanel, click SSH/Shell Access then click Manage SSH Keys.
  • Click Import Key. Copy the key that was in Notepad or another application, then enter it in the box column.
  • Click the Manage Authorization link and then click the Authorize button.

Step 5: Connecting to Hosting

  • Open the PuTTY application.
  • Enter the IP address and Hosting Port.
  • In the Connection section, select SSH -> auth and click Browse. A dialog box will appear to upload the previously created private key file (.ppk). Then click Open.
  • If successful, you will be asked to enter a username.

Another question regarding PuTTY

Another question regarding PuTTY

1. How to access the server via SSH?

How to access the server via SSH:

  • Open terminal
  • type ssh username@hostname then enter,
  • enter password.

2. Why does putty connection time out?

The “Connection timed out” error notification when running PuTTY occurs even before the user is asked to enter a password. Errors like these cannot be blamed on incorrect user account information. So it is likely that the problem lies with the connection itself.

3. What is meant by remote server?

Remote server refers to a remotely located computer that has server software containing web, database, and other resources to handle remote requests sent by website users.

4. What is the function of SSH server?

SSH is a protocol for exchanging data between two computers over a network. SSH protects the privacy and integrity of identities, data and files transferred. It runs on most computers and on almost every server.

5. What is the function of SSH tunneling?

SSH tunneling is a method for transporting additional data streams within an existing SSH session. Commonly used to add encryption to legacy applications.

6. What is meant by telnet and SSH?

Telnet is a standard TCP/IP protocol for virtual terminal services, while SSH is a program for logging into another computer over a network to execute commands on a remote machine. Telnet is vulnerable to security attacks while SSH helps you overcome many Telnet security issues.

7. The port used for SSH access

By default the port used for SSH connections is port 22. But you can also set it on a different port.


It's not wrong if PuTTY is one of the most widely used free SSH client applications in the world. How to use PuTTY is quite easy. Apart from being able to be used to make SSH connections, there are several other features besides being used to make SSH connections, such as Telnet and Rlogin.

There are two ways to use PuTTY to access the SSH server, namely without keys and using keys. SSH Keys is a PuTTY connection option. This type of connection uses two keys, namely the private key and the public key. These two keys function as passwords when accessing the server using SSH. So, you don't need to enter a password that is sometimes very long.

Using SSH Keys is also more secure than using a regular password. Because if you use a regular password, it can be easy to attack and crack the password. Even though it doesn't guarantee that using SSH Key is completely secure, at least it can layer security on the connection process.

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