7 Effective Sanctions for Dealing with Late Employees

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In managing performance and productivity, the principle of reward and punishment still applies in various industries. In this case, the sanction for late employees can be in the form of a fine. Regarding the nominal amount of the fine that applies, this is the right of the company's internal management.

However, employers or company leaders cannot directly impose sanctions. Especially regarding salary cuts, the company must know whether there are government regulations that regulate this.

However, in reality, employers or leaders in a company cannot immediately impose sanctions. Specifically regarding salary cuts, companies should find out whether there are government regulations governing this matter.

How do you punish an employee for being late?

7 Effective Sanctions for Dealing with Late Employees

Employee tardiness can have an impact on team performance productivity. In some cases, companies can make a salary reduction policy of a certain percentage. Any sanctions that apply are based on specific policies or regulations that have gone through joint discussion.

Apart from providing sanctions, the company also makes regulations for being late to work to minimize these violations. What is the content of these regulations?

Sanctions for employees who arrive late aim to ensure that all team members can comply with working hours according to the predetermined schedule. Almost every company has provisions regarding punctuality for coming to work.

After this rule is enforced, if there are still employees who violate it, then there are several consequences they must face. Generally, these sanctions include:

1. Eliminate bonuses for employees

Many companies give bonuses to employees for discipline. The attendance appreciation bonus is not much compared to other bonuses such as sales bonuses. But with an attendance bonus like this, employees can be more competitive and motivated to be punctual.

On the other hand, those who are late are not entitled to a bonus. The amount of tolerance for being late for work can vary, for example a maximum of 3 times a month. Likewise the duration or time of being late, for example 5-10 minutes every day.

2. Give a warning

Reprimands are something that is very common when you want to discipline a team. This is the first step so that employees are not negligent. People who can reprimand them include HR, supervisors, or superiors who are obliged to manage HR every day.

Additionally, you can use gradual warning letters to employees.

This is not to make employees afraid or feel unsafe, but superiors also need to understand the actual conditions experienced by employees. Moments like this really require good communication, so that the effects of the reprimand can last a long time.

3. Conduct regular upgrades

Penalties for lateness do have a kind of deterrent effect to prevent it from happening again. But actually there is a fundamental thing, namely ensuring employee motivation. Upgrading regularly is an important step to increase capacity and skills. Not only for the sake of the current job but also for long-term self-actualization.

By upgrading, companies can increase employee motivation, so they are more enthusiastic when doing work. Ideally this is the case, although this does not rule out technical factors.

4. Resolve Technical Issues

Apart from problems with employees, delays can also occur due to technical matters such as those related to attendance machines. In fact, offices that still use fingerprint attendance machines can experience problems. As we know, fingerprints require regular maintenance.

The fingerprint attendance machine can error at any time and company HR cannot see employee attendance data. It's true that something like that is an accidental problem, but there are more systematic solutions. You can use online attendance for an automatic employee attendance system.

Being late for work is a mistake that is often made by employees. Because of this violation, the company determined a salary deduction for being late as a sanction for employees who were often late for work.

5. Pay the Fine

The first sanction that companies usually apply to employees who are late is paying a fine. The nominal amount that employees must pay if they arrive late can be adjusted according to the time they are late.

For example, the company sets a fine of $1 for every 5 minutes of delay. So if employees are 15 minutes late, then they have to pay a fine of $2.

6. Additional Working Time

As a result of arriving late, employees miss work time like other employees. Therefore, the second sanction is to increase working time. Because of this additional working time, employees have to go home later than other employees who arrive on time.

7. Salary Cuts

The third sanction is the heaviest sanction that an employee must receive, namely a salary cut. To provide a lesson and create a deterrent effect, companies can cut employees' salaries based on the time they are late.

What is the late coming salary deduction?

One of the rules for being late for work is salary deductions. In the case of salary cuts, this is of course a sanction that can be detrimental to employees. The question is, can employees who are late for work be given a pay cut?

The answer is yes. For cases like Indonesia, companies may apply rules to cut employee salaries for those who arrive late or work.

This rule has been mentioned in Government Regulation Number 78 of 2015 which contains Wages, or more specifically in Article 57 Paragraph 1 of the Manpower Law. Apart from that, Article 88 Paragraph 3 of the Manpower Law also confirms that fines and salary deductions are part of wages.

These regulations explain that companies have the right to deduct employees' salaries due to mistakes they have made and these deductions are in the nature of a fine. So being late for work becomes a type of violation that requires employees to pay fines by cutting their salaries.

These rules will apply if the company determines them and writes them in the employment contract, company regulations, or collective work agreement. The amount of this salary deduction will be returned to company policy. Therefore, the company provides provisions for salary cuts based on absenteeism. So, how do you calculate salary deductions due to absence?

Provisions for Withholding Salaries Based on Absence

In Employment Law no. 13 of 2003 Article 93 Paragraph 2, explains several conditions that prohibit companies from making salary cuts. Here are the details:

  • I'm sick so I can't work.
  • Female employees are experiencing menstruation on the first and second day and cannot work.
  • Employees have needs for marriage, marriage, circumcision, baptism, childbirth and miscarriage.
  • Employees' family members, including husbands, wives, children, in-laws, parents and others in the same house, died.
  • Employees are carrying out obligations to the state.
  • Carrying out worship as ordered by religion.
  • The employee is willing to work as promised, but the employer has not hired him. Either due to one's own mistakes or due to obstacles that entrepreneurs should be able to avoid.
  • Currently serving the right to rest.
  • Employees carry out the duties of the trade/labor union with the approval of the employer
  • Currently undertaking an educational assignment from the company.

You as an employee must also fully understand the above rules. So, never miss the office without a clear reason! When you are unable to work, immediately notify HRD, so that your monthly salary will not be deducted in vain due to absenteeism.

How do you deal with consistently late employees?

7 Effective Sanctions for Dealing with Late Employees

To achieve this success, there are many things that must be considered, one of which is having strong and enthusiastic employees. This means that the employees hired must be educated in order to support the success of your business. This especially applies to employees who have poor work ethics.

Nowadays, one of the most common problems that every business or company has is employee tardiness. If employees start to be late for work frequently, then you must take several actions to protect the company and improve work ethic among the team.

When employees are repeatedly late, this must be addressed quickly. Otherwise, this can destroy work discipline and disrupt team performance. Tardiness can delay work, impact deadlines, and trigger unwanted overtime. 

Additionally, this can create tension between coworkers who have to cover up for missed work. To overcome this problem, you can try several ways to deal with employees who are often late:

1. Listen Well

Before you start scolding your employees for coming to the office late, make sure you listen carefully to what they say. Give your employee a chance to explain why so you can suggest an appropriate solution. Based on the employee's reaction, direct your conversation towards a solution to the problem with concern and politeness.

However, there are things you need to pay attention to when you want to talk to your employees who are late. Whenever you decide you want to discuss their lateness in more detail, make sure you choose the right place.

Don't discuss issues about the employee in a public place where other people can see you, it will arouse curiosity and this can embarrass your employee. Remember, employees are a valuable asset for your business.

2. Make clear regulations

There are no easy and fast rules for dealing with an employee who is always late, every business owner has different methods, just as every employee has different problems and personal situations.

However, there are several steps you must take if you want to deal with employees who always arrive late and change their habits forever, one of which is to create clear rules.

Making regulations that can act as a deterrent to employees who are late is quite effective. This regulation must have the following points:

  • Several standards are expected from an employee, such as detailed working hours and a clear shift schedule.
  • Procedure for reporting tardiness: if employees know they will be late, which department should they report to?
  • Details about how working time will be tracked and recorded: do you use a remote working system or do employees need to physically come to work?
  • Include ways employees can make up for lost time when arriving late.
  • What potential disciplinary action could they face for persistent tardiness?

Also make sure these regulations are communicated to all employees and implemented fairly in your company. If this is something new for your company or if you have a particular problem with employee tardiness, then consider running a briefing or short seminar for employees to highlight the impact of tardiness on your work cycle and business development.

3. Utilize Attendance Machine Technology

With increasingly advanced times, attendance activities in a company will automatically become easier because they can use attendance machines. This attendance machine is very useful for detecting employee attendance effectively.

Employees simply press their finger on the scanner (if using a fingerprint attendance machine) or attach their identity card (if using a magnetic card attendance machine) quickly.

Apart from that, companies that implement a remote work system, or whose working hours are flexible, can utilize online attendance application technology which can store employee absence data and make it easier for employees to be absent from anywhere.

Then, this machine can also help your company to determine bonuses, payroll and penalties based on employee attendance data. This makes employees value time more because if they are late then they will receive consequences in the form of salary cuts and also if they always arrive on time, they will get a bonus.

Being late for work is a problem that can have a big effect on your business. An employee who is late can cost the company time and money, as well as cause a decline in the performance of the rest of the team.

Don't let this problem continue, it is important to be proactive and find a solution to this problem. When someone comes to the office on time it can help create a more positive and productive work atmosphere.


From the explanation above, it can be seen that companies may apply salary cuts to employees who violate the rules, one of which is lateness. To make it easier for you to calculate salary deductions, just use payroll software that can calculate it automatically.

Through Mekari Payroll Software, calculating employee salary deductions due to delays can be done automatically and quickly. This payroll system will read employee arrival and departure times directly, because this system will certainly be integrated with the attendance system and other systems.

Because this process is automatic, salary deductions will certainly provide accurate results. So it is hoped that this will have a deterrent effect on employees so that they do not repeat it in the future.

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