How to Install Ubuntu Server 18.04 di Virtual Box and Set Up

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How to install Ubuntu Server version 18.04 LTS, using Virtual Box, will be explained in this article. Ubuntu Server is an operating system for servers, developed by Canoncial, on an LTS (Long Term Support) basis.

Just like other Linux distributions, Ubuntu Server is also developed in Open-Source. So that the programmer community around the world, or anyone can contribute to develop it.

However, unlike the desktop version. Because it is devoted to servers, Ubuntu Server does not have a GUI (Graphical User Interface). So what is displayed is only a black screen, or it can also be called a console (terminal).

For this reason, this operating system is not intended for ordinary users. Only certain people, who work behind the server, such as the System Administrator, usually use this Ubuntu Server OS.

Or it could be for school children, or students who want to learn Ubuntu Server. Of course you have to be familiar with the command line on Linux.

In detail, here, let's see further:

Computer Specifications To Run Ubuntu Server 18.04

How to Install Ubuntu Server 18.04 di Virtual Box and Set Up

As a preparation material, here are the standard installation specifications, to run OS Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS
  • 1 GHz Processor
  • 512 RAM Memory
  • 1 GB Hard Drive Space (system)
  • Internet connection for updates
Because here we use virtualbox technology. Also make sure your computer or laptop supports and activates virtualization technology.

For the Ubuntu Server 18.04 iso file, you can directly download it here.

How to Install Ubuntu Server 18.04 on Virtual Box

1. Virtual Machine Settings:

  • First, open the Virtual Box program on your computer or laptop.
  • Here I use the 64 bit version.
  • Once opened, you select the New button, or press the Ctrl + N key combination.
  • In the Create Virtual Machine section, in Name and operating system, you fill in the Ubuntu Server name column.
  • Then in the Machine Folder section, you specify the storage location for the operating system.
  • Next, in the Memory size section, you specify the RAM size. Here I choose the standard 1 GB only. If it is Next.
  • In the Hard disk section, you select Create a virtual hard disk Now. Then Create.
  • In the Hard disk file type section, select VDI (VirtualBox Disk Image). Then Next.
  • In the Storage on physical hard disk section, select Dynamically allocated. Then Next.
  • In File location and size, you specify the location and size of the virtual hard disk that will be used. If you have selected Create.

2. Network Settings and Open ISO File


  • After the virtual hard disk is successfully created. Now you select the Settings menu, or just Ctrl + S.
  • Select the Network tab menu.
  • Then you set the Network Adapter settings.
  • On the Storage tab menu.
  • You select the Add optical drive icon.
  • Next, select Choose disk.
  • After that, you select Add. Look for the Ubuntu Server iso file, which is already downloaded. If you have selected the Choose button.

3. Start Ubuntu Server Installation

After setting up the Virtual Box. Now let's try, start the installation of Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS.

  • Select the Start menu to get started.
  • In the Language selection section, select English. Press up, down, then Enter, on the keyboard to select

  • In the Keyboard configuration section, select Done.
  • In the Network connections section. Here I will edit the IP Address settings manually. By selecting eth >> Edit IPv4.
  • If you want to leave it automatic (DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), you can skip this section by selecting Done.
Edit IPv4

  • In the Edit enpos3 IPv4 configuration section. You choose Manual.
  • In this section you can set your own IP Address and others.
  • For example, I use IP Adddress class C, with Google DNS which is or
  • Also adjust to your router's IP address.
  • If you have selected Save.
  • When finished, you can select the Done button, to enter the next stage.
  • In the Configure proxy section, just skip it by selecting Done.
  • In the Configure Ubuntu archive mirror section, skip also by selecting the Done button.
Configure Ubuntu archive mirror

  • In the Filesystem setup section, here if you want to partition linux select Manual.
  • But if not, you can just skip it by selecting Use An Entire Disk.
Use An Entire Disk

  • In the device section select VBOX_HARDISK, then Add Partition.
Add Partition

  • First for the root partition, here I specify 5GB. If you have selected Create.
  • Repeat the above method again, here for the swap partition I specify 2GB. If you have selected Create.
  • Repeat the above method again, here for the home partition, I use the remaining free hard disk space. So just leave it blank, just select Create.
  • If we have partitioned all the hard disk space, just select Done.
  • If a warning appears, just select Continue.
  • In the Profile setup section, you fill in your name, server name, and username. Likewise with passwords. If you have selected Done.
  • In the SSH Setup section, if you want to all install Open SSH server. You can check the cross mark, then Done.
Open SSH server

  • In the Installing system section, here we wait until the Ubuntu Server OS installation process is complete.
  • When finished, a Reboot button will appear. You choose to restart the virtual box.

Done, That's the article about the tutorial on how to install Ubuntu Server version 18.04 LTS, on Virtual Box. Hope it can help you. That is all and thank you.

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