Here's How to Easily Install Git on Windows 10, Let's Try

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Here's How to Easily Install Git on Windows 10, Let's Try

If you're a developer, it's incomplete if you don't use GIT applications. The GIT application is a version control system that can be used by developers in developing an application or software together.

The main function of GIT is to be able to adjust the version of your program's source code by giving a line and also which code you will replace and add.

This GIT will actually make it very easy for programmers who want to know the changes to the code they have made, when compared to creating a new file, for example,,,, and so on. Well, in this tutorial I will explain how to install GIT on Windows.

How to Install Git on Windows 10

By using the help of GIT, you don't have to worry about the program code that you are working on clashing, because each developer can create a branch that becomes their workspace.

Another cool feature is that we can comment on the source code that we have changed or added. That way, GIT can make it easier for other developers to find out what obstacles are being experienced by other developers. Here's how to install GIT on Windows.

1. First download the GIT installer from the official website. You can Click Here to download the GIT installer. If the GIT installer has been downloaded, then double-click on the GIT installer.

2. Click Next to continue the installation.

3. Then you will be asked to provide the location of the GIT folder. You can place this location anywhere. If so, then click Next.

4. Select the components you want to install in GIT. Here I just need Windows Explorer Integration, Git Bash Here, Git GUI Here, Git LFS, Associate .git* configuration files with the default text editor, and Associate .sh* files to run with Bash. When you have finished selecting the required components, then click Next.

5. Click Next.

6. Then choose the default editor that will be used by GIT, here just select Use Vim (the ubiquitous text editor) as Git's default editor. After that click Next.

7. Select Use Git from the Windows Command Prompt and click Next.

8. Next you will be asked to select the SSL/TLS library that GIT will use the HTTPS connection for. You can select Use the OpenSSL library. Then click Next.

Use the OpenSSL library
9. Then you have to choose the configuration of the line ending conversion. Select Checkout Windows-style, commit Unix-style line endings. Then click Next.

10. After that you will be asked to configure the terminal emulator that Git Bash will use. Here you can select Use Windows' default console window. Then click Next.

11. You can also add a selection of extra features you want. Here I select Enable file system caching and Enable Git Credential Manager. After that click the Next button.

12. For this configuration I didn't choose one because I didn't need it. If you need these experimental options, you can check the box. Then click the Install button.

13. Wait a while until the installation process is complete. The installation process doesn't take long, it only takes a few minutes, so you can wait for it.

14. If the installation process has been completed, then now you have finished installing the GIT application. Click the finish button to end the installation process.

15. The last step that must be done is to check whether GIT is completely installed on our computer. The trick is to open the Command Prompt and type the command git –version. If GIT has been installed, it will appear as shown in the image below.

That's the article that explains how to install GIT on Windows. Hopefully this article can be useful for you. Thank you..!!

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