How To Brainstorm: Effective Strategies for Success

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An idea can appear anytime and anywhere. However, not all ideas that come out of the head can be used as a basis for making decisions or making something. Where do ideas come from? Erzedka Friends may have heard the saying “Genius is ninety-nine percent perspiration, one percent inspiration”.

Ideas come from a process. The process that can generate ideas is Brainstorming. In a business or world of work, we are often faced with situations where we have to brainstorm ideas to solve problems or make decisions.

However, the method of brainstorming itself cannot be arbitrary. If the process of brainstorming ideas does not run effectively, then instead of producing satisfactory output it actually makes business problems more complex. Even an online business without capital must still use a directed brainstorming method so that the business product development process remains effective.

So, that's why this article was written to foster proper understanding for Erzedka Friends regarding how to brainstorm. Can't wait for the full discussion? Come on, see what's next!

What is brainstorming explain?

10+ The Right Ways To Brainstorm Effectively

In a business or work environment, you are often required to come up with ideas to develop a product or solve a particular problem. In order to get an effective and efficient idea, it must go through a brainstorming process.

Brainstorming is a method of thinking about ideas and making plans through an open discussion, usually in a group situation. The brainstorming process involves sharing thoughts between one person and another and is usually accompanied by several activities, such as: drawing, writing, and having conversations.

According to psychologists, namely Barbara Allman and Sara Freeman, brainstorming is a technique used to produce a long list that contains a variety of different responses without making judgments about individual ideas.

Literally, brainstorming is a process of finding a variety of new ideas quickly but in a structured manner and then discussing them together to solve various problems. This method can encourage individuals to be able to think creatively by thinking about the various possibilities that exist so they can find the best solution to the problems they face. 

Then, other benefits of brainstorming include increasing communication within the team, gathering ideas from various perspectives, to getting innovative methods. In addition, if team members are involved in the process of finding and developing a solution, it can encourage them to be more committed to the approach.

Taking a peek at the history of brainstorming, it turns out that the brainstorming method was first coined by an advertising executive named Alex Osborn in 1941. Osborn coined the brainstorming method because he believed that everyone is born with the talent to be creative.

Here are four references as a way of brainstorming according to Alex Osborn:

  • It is not permissible to criticize every idea that comes out through the brainstorming process.
  • The more diverse ideas are generated, the better.
  • Collaborate to build creative ideas together.
  • Encouraging the emergence of wild ideas.

How do you brainstorm effectively?

Well, we have come to the interesting part of this article. The following will explain how to brainstorm to get creative and effective ideas.

1. Designate One Person as the Leader of the Discussion

A discussion forum or brainstorming requires one person as a leader to ensure that the discussion process runs smoothly and is conducive. In a work environment, usually a discussion group is led by a moderator.

However, it is not uncommon for a Scrum Master or Product Manager to be assigned to lead the brainstorming process. The leader of this discussion will also become the intermediary when there is friction or dispute between participants.

In addition, the discussion leader must be able to draw common threads from each idea raised by the participants and provide conclusions on the results of the discussion.

2. Understand the Purpose of Brainstorming

There are various concepts and goals for brainstorming. The goals to be achieved greatly influence how to brainstorm to produce brilliant ideas. In fact, there are several objectives of brainstorming, including analyzing problems, identifying problems to be solved, gathering ideas, looking for ideas for product development, and others.

So the first tip for brainstorming to be done as well as possible is to understand the purpose of the brainstorming. By understanding the purpose, the discussion group can have the same perceptions and views on the process to be carried out.

We recommend that before the brainstorming session is carried out, one of the parties who is the moderator in the discussion group must first convey the clear direction and objectives of the brainstorming.

3. No Need Too Much Head

There is no need for too many heads, what is meant here is in the discussion for the benefit of brainstorming ideas, there is no need to involve many people. Although it has been stated that the more diverse ideas are generated, the better, but too many people involved in the discussion process can lead to clashes or disagreements.

It is better to arrange the discussion with only 5 to 8 people. This number is considered effective for gathering ideas from various sides and views. Don't forget to appoint one person in the discussion group to be the moderator. Moderators are needed to direct and maintain the flow of discussions in order to remain stable and orderly.

4. Use the Crazy 8 Concept

Crazy 8 is a method for brainstorming ideas by describing or writing our ideas on a piece of paper. Crazy 8 is perfect for those of you who are confused about how to brainstorm for design needs or application mockup ideas.

Crazy 8 is done by sketching eight different product ideas in 8 minutes. Usually the Product team or Design team from a company that often implements the Crazy 8 strategy.

5. Take Time To Brainstorm Ideas

10+ The Right Ways To Brainstorm Effectively

In an effective discussion group, usually the brainstorming process does not start right away. However, the moderator should first explain the goals to be achieved, the vision and mission, to the product vision (if the brainstorming process is for product development).

In addition, the moderator also needs to provide some time for discussion participants to think about their ideas before discussing them. Usually 10-15 minutes is enough to give time to think.

It can also encourage each member of the discussion group to have original ideas and ideas so they don't just "go along with it".

6. Choose the Right Time for Brainstorming

Timing of course can affect the level of effectiveness of brainstorming. It is better if the brainstorming is held in the morning so that the brains and minds of the discussion participants are still fresh and brilliant.

So that it will be easier for them to think and explore ideas. Avoid holding brainstorming sessions on Friday afternoons. Because at that time, the thoughts and attention of the discussion participants had been distracted to the weekend so they were less focused.

In addition to choosing the right time, the duration of the brainstorming also greatly affects the quality of the ideas produced. We recommend that the moderator of the discussion limit the duration of the brainstorming to one hour at most. This is also to prevent discussion participants from becoming bored and running out of energy.

7. Using the SWOT Analysis Method

Using the SWOT Analysis Method

The next way to brainstorm is to use the SWOT analysis method. The SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats) method is a strategy commonly used in business or project analysis.

The SWOT analysis method is very useful in helping to explore strategic, practical and effective business ideas. Besides that, in a discussion forum, SWOT analysis is also very influential in stimulating a collaborative idea that really supports business continuity.

8. Using the concept of "Impact and Effort Analysis" to Map Ideas

The next way to make brainstorming effective is to apply the concept of "Impact and Effort Analysis" to map the ideas that are created. This method can also be used to ensure that the ideas put forward are not overlooked and all have been recorded.

Of all the ideas collected, the moderator can classify them into four quadrants based on their Impact and Effort levels. Ideas resulting from brainstorming with high impact, low effort (can provide great solutions and the process of actualizing the idea is very easy) can be executed first.

Meanwhile, ideas resulting from brainstorming with low impact, high effort can be set aside in advance or postponed because the actualization process is quite difficult and the resulting solutions are less effective.

9. Creating Friendly and Open Discussion Groups

The next way for brainstorming to run efficiently is to create a friendly and open discussion space. It's better if the brainstorming process is relaxed and not rigid.

So that the participants were more comfortable in expressing their ideas without fear of being judged or blamed. Besides that, by creating a comfortable discussion space, it means that you welcome and support all the ideas presented by the participants.

If the discussion space seems stiff and tense, it will be difficult for participants to think and tend to be stressed so that they cannot produce creative ideas.

10. Provide Individual and Group Discussion Rooms

You need to understand that not everyone has the same discussion style. There are some people who enjoy the moment of speaking in front of many people. However, there are also some people who prefer to voice their ideas privately and lack confidence if they have to speak in front of many participants.

So, therefore the moderator can provide the concept of discussion into two sessions, namely in group and individual reflection. Through group sessions, moderators can create discussion groups with 5 to 8 participants and then all of them are required to present their ideas. Other participants can provide feedback and suggestions on the ideas presented.

Whereas in individual reflection, participants can focus on exploring their own ideas and sending their ideas via email or other means.

11. Use Brainstorming Support Tools

During a pandemic like today, the discussion process with the team to generate ideas is often carried out online. There are many supporting applications that Erzedka Friends can try to support the smooth running of online discussions.

Some recommendations for online tools for online discussions are Google Docs, Miro, Trello, Slack, Figma, and others. You can also discuss online using e-meeting platforms such as Google Meet, Zoom, Cisco Webex, Microsoft Teams, Skype, Blue Jeans, or others.

12. Using the Brainwriting Method

The next recommended way of brainstorming is "Brainwriting". For Erzedka Friends who are still wondering what Brainwriting is, here's a brief explanation.

The Brainwriting Method or also known as “Crawford Slip Writing” is a brainstorming method in which each participant writes an idea on an index card and then shares it randomly with other participants.

Participants who receive idea cards from other participants are required to provide opinions or criticisms and suggestions for these ideas.


Brainstorming or brainstorming is a process for finding a variety of new ideas quickly but in a structured manner and then discussing them together to solve various problems.

When discussion forums brainstorm ideas, you should not criticize every idea that comes out through the brainstorming process. If giving opinions or suggestions, it is still allowed. Apart from that, another code of ethics in discussion forums is to collaborate to build creative ideas together, encourage the emergence of wild ideas, and the more diverse ideas are generated, the better.

Some tips and methods for effective brainstorming include understanding the purpose of the brainstorming, choosing one person as the discussion leader, not having too many heads, using the Crazy 8 concept, understanding Marketing Psychology, taking time to think about ideas, and choosing the right brainstorming time.

There are also other tips such as using the concept of "Impact and Effort Analysis" to map ideas, creating friendly and open discussion groups, providing individual and group discussion space, using tools to support brainstorming, and using the SWOT analysis method.

Well, that's enough discussion this time regarding effective brainstorming methods. Hope it is useful..!!

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