How to Overcome the Canon Pixma MX497 Low Ink Manual Printer

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Hello visitors to the blog, hope everything is fine, on this occasion we from the erzedka team will review information on how to solve the Canon MX497 Low Ink error. Usually the warning that appears on the computer is "WARNING LOW INK". This issue was spotted by one of our visitors and messaged us to discuss it.

This Canon Pixma MX497 printer has experienced this error when it is generally associated with a cartridge system that has been modified by using an infusion, but not infrequently it also occurs in standard cartridges only.

How to Overcome the Canon Pixma MX497 Low Ink Manual Printer

This problem causes the printer to not operate normally and can't even be used to print, but it's also necessary to know what are the indications that cause the Canon MX497 Low Ink Printer
  • The ink in the cartridge has run out
  • After refilling the ink by injecting the cartridge, but a warning still appears if the ink is low
  • On the modified printer, the ink does not run smoothly to the cartridge (dead/stopped) so that the cartridge is empty/out.
There are two ways to solve this Ink Low error problem, namely by resetting the Canon Pixma printer using software or by a simple manual method with a few steps, and precisely without the need to use software.

There are two ways

  1. Turn on your canon Pixma MX497 printer that is having this problem.
  2. After the printer is on, try to print the document (it depends on what document), wait while the printing process until the Ink Low warning box appears or the ink runs out.
  3. After the ink-out warning appears as shown above, you need to press the Stop/Reset button on the printer for about ± 5 seconds until you hear a beep/beep sound, after the sound release the button.
  4. The printing process will run, wait until the document you printed earlier is complete.
  5. If successful, it means that the ink-out error problem on this MX497 printer has been resolved.

NB: But try to print again if it still appears, it means the printer still needs to be reset with software.

How to solve this Canon MX497 printer problem has proven to be successful for some users of this printer.

There is no harm in trying to do this method first instead of directly dealing with this low ink error with software reseter because to our knowledge, many people are quite difficult to find software resetter, in our next article will help share a tutorial on how to do a MX497 Printer Ink Reset with the software along with the software download link, hopefully it's useful, thank you...!!

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