What is Google SERP Snippet and its relation to SEO?

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Google SERP Snippet has actually been announced by this biggest search engine for a long time, in early 2014 to be precise. As part of Google's growing efforts to evaluate the visibility of relevant pages from Google SERP Snippet.

But it turns out that even though this feature has been around for a long time, people don't know about its potential to increase website traffic. There are still many people who don't think that SEO (Search Engine Optimization) technology can be effective. Because it can be a valuable strategy for those who run an online store business.

What is Google SERP Snippet?

What is Google SERP Snippet and its relation to SEO?

What is Google SERP Snippet or Featured Snippet? Featured Snippet is a view that summarizes the answers in the snippet column at the top of the Google search results page (SERP). This snippet column contains a summary response from the site, page link, page title, and URL.

Have you ever seen this when you googled the definition of something? These are called Featured Snippets. Sometimes the boxes or columns can also display pictures, bulleted lists, or simple tables.

When you enter a question like “What is a Domain?” for example, a snippet will appear at the top of your search results page and display a short answer about it. Then you and other internet users will definitely enjoy clicking and accessing the web pages that are displayed there more.

Google SERP Snippets are the right tool to increase the optimization of your website. In this case, featured snippets play a very significant role in displaying a summary of the answers to what information seekers want to look for in search engines. 

In this case, the results that appear are a kind of snippet column that is directly listed on the search engine results page. This will of course provide something very significant and important in increasing traffic and also become a new user experience when people want to visit your site.

This Featured Snippet was created because of a problem that originated in the early days of internet browsing. Pre-Google (early Google), and many other search engines including Yahoo still curated human directory results.

When content creation has multiplied many times over, humans are no longer able to keep up with and curate it. Apart from that, the best curation is definitely needed, namely one that is close to real-time or actual. This was the beginning of the use of algorithms and curation techniques by machines.

Of course, you are definitely familiar with this Google SERP Snippet feature. This feature has also started to be implemented so of course many people are familiar with seeing it. Actually, this is also very effective because it will enable people to get the information they need easily and quickly. So there's nothing to worry about anymore. All this information can be obtained easily and is quite good in itself.

How Do Featured Snippets Work?

Even though Google Featured Snippet has been around for a long time, there are still many webmasters and SEOs who don't understand how Google Featured Snippet works.

According to information from Google Support, this Google Featured Snippet occurs when Google's system judges that relevant site content pages may be convenient for Google users and can also answer their questions.

This Google search feature basically works automatically, displaying snippets from content pages that best match the keywords or queries used. The feature itself will prioritize content relevance to the query or keywords used to search.

What Does Google SERP Snippet Have To Do With SEO?

What Does Google SERP Snippet Have To Do With SEO

Who doesn't want to optimize their website so it's good for search engines like Google? If you succeed, you can increase your website traffic. What about featured snippets? What's the real connection?

The response summary results appear in a column or box located at the top or very top of the search results page.

Internet users certainly don't want to find the most complete page on their own if it has been recommended by Google. In this case, the accessibility of the pages on your website is of course very good. If visitors or web visitors increase, it means your web traffic is increasing and that's when SEO works.

Here we will describe in more detail:

1. Thanks to Featured Snippet, Google Gives Rank #0

The cool thing about this process is that with featured snippets, it starts before traditional or regular organic search results. Now, that's what we call a zero ranking position, so the top ranking can beat the top ranking in Google search results.

After all, a page ranked #1 on Google isn't technically the top (after a #0 ranking) because after the #0 ranking itself, there are “Related Questions” which is a series of questions people usually search for your question under the snippet column. .

2. Google Opens The Door To Increase CTR

When featured snippets are launched, SEO experts are always worried that by summarizing and displaying responses in columns, their site's CTR as a resource will be affected.

Why? Because according to them Google's mining or aggregation techniques are not well mapped.

What if great or quality content doesn't appear in the snippet? It turns out that after further research in a case study published by Search Engine Land in August 2015, featured snippets are not "harming" or have a negative impact on CTR, but on the contrary they are increasing.

What are the Types of Google Featured Snippets?

There are 4 types of Google Featured Snippets, including:

1. The Definition Box

The first type of Google featured snippet is the definition box, aka the definition box. As the name suggests, these Google snippets contain information from the definitions of keywords or queries that users use in Google searches. For example:

For example, you enter the query "what is Google SERP Snippet" in a Google search. Next, Google will display a page snippet that provides information about the definition of the Google SERP snippet. With these Google snippets, Google users will be able to find explanations or definitions of things more quickly.

2. The Table

Another type of Google featured snippet is the table or the table. This type of Google featured snippet will typically show for searches related to conversions or units of measure. For example:

For example, if you use the keyword mattress size in a Google search. Next, Google will display a snippet of the size table of various types of mattresses from the most relevant content pages.

Through this Google featured snippet, users will be able to get information about conversions, their values, and their descendants.

3. The Ordered List

Not only is this possible in terms of definitions and tables, Google also provides Google page featured snippets in the form of an ordered list. Among SEOs, featured snippets are presented by Google as an ordered list known as the ordered list.

This type of Google snippet displays sequential information based on chronology, values, and also patterns. For example:

For example, you type the keyword "how to create a youtube account". Google will display sequentially a list of how to create a YouTube account.

Another example, if you type in the keyword “popular 2022 film list”, Google will display information on a list of 2022 films sequentially starting from the most popular. Of course, these snippets come from the most relevant content pages.

4. Unordered List (The Unordered List)

Whereas for the ordered list type, Google snippet displays sequential web page code snippets, there is also the Google snippet type which displays non-consecutive code snippets. This type of Google featured snippet is called an unordered list.

This snippet often appears if the list snippet is quoted from a web page whose order and values do not differ chronologically.

For example, if you search for the keyword “keyword research tools”, Google will display an unordered list of keyword research tools from the most relevant pages on the website.

How do you Write Content for Snippets?

The next question is about how to make sure that the content you create can become a SERP Snippet easily. Of course, you have to understand first that it's not just you who wants this. There are lots of opportunities to get the chance to become this snippet. But on the other hand, you have to know how to apply this correctly and well.

There are certainly many ways to make your content a Google SERP Snippet. One of them is creating content that allows you to do everything systematically. In this way, you will definitely be able to obtain the benefits that will enable you to do this. 

Basically this is an important and significant thing that you can get more easily and well. If you can create it correctly, then from here you will be superior. Of course, there's nothing wrong with creating content related to 5W + 1H or anything that contains answers and meaning to the questions asked. 

In this way, you will definitely be able to achieve much more in the future. You will be able and able to create appropriate and quality content yourself. You will be able to achieve everything easily and better.

How do I Optimize a page for Featured Snippets?

How do I Optimize a page for Featured Snippets

Even though the selection of content that might be included in the Google snippet list is done directly by search engines, you can still optimize your content for selection by following a few tips:

1. Create High Quality Content

It is very important to create high-quality content so that your website pages are included in Google snippets. Multiple quality content specifications are comprehensive, entertaining and user-focused.

At least even if your content can't appear on Google snippets, with quality content on your website pages, you can rank high in search engines.

2. Know User Questions

Eric Enge explained that around 19% of searches using queries successfully resulted in Google's featured snippets in the SERP. Therefore, your content should answer common user questions in the form of the following questions.

  • How …
  • How to …
  • What is …
  • Why …
  • Like what …

For example, if you want to create content with the target keyword “cheap hosting”, it is better to target more specific long tail keywords, such as “buy quality cheap hosting”.

While the first keyword has the potential to cover multiple targets, the second keyword is more likely to be searched by users because it takes the form of a question.

3. Give Best Answer

Just creating high-quality content is not enough. You should also be able to provide the best answer for users by:

  1. Explain each step of the answer and optimize the use of other assets such as videos, infographics, images and screenshots.
  2. Dig deeper into the content for any questions that may arise from this topic.
  3. Tailor your content to your niche.

4. Use the FAQ Page

An FAQ page on your site can be a great way to provide value to users by including questions and increasing your chances of appearing in Google snippets.

For best results, make sure the FAQ page displays relevant results and is done in a comprehensive format. By creating relevant FAQ pages, it will be easier for users to find the answers they are looking for.


Google SERP Snippet or Google Featured Snippet is more than just a search feature that makes it easy for people to find the most relevant pages of content for the keywords or queries they are using.

This feature can also be a potential tool that can increase traffic to a website. Therefore, understanding how to optimize content pages so that these Google snippets can appear is one of the important things that SEOs and webmasters need to do.

You can use some of the content page optimization methods I described earlier to increase the chances of your content page showing up in Google snippets. I have summarized many reviews about Google featured snippets for you, I hope this explanation can be useful for you and help improve SEO quality and traffic to your website.

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