Easy Ways to Research YouTube Keyword to Grow Your Channel

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Easy Ways to Research YouTube Keyword to Grow Your Channel

One of the important knowledge that you must learn when you want to become a content creator, especially in the form of videos, is YouTube keyword research. Keywords have a big influence on the number of visits to a content when it has been uploaded on Google's social media channels.

Without keyword research, no matter how good the quality of the content is, it will still be difficult to get the top ranking in search results. Therefore, you must master all knowledge related to searching for keywords or keywords, then practice them correctly and correctly.

What is YouTube Keyword Research?

Youtube Keyword Research is the best way to find keywords that are most often chosen by visitors when searching for videos. Although there are slight differences, in general they still have similarities with keyword research for websites, "blogs", and online stores.

If you manage to find the right keywords, it is very likely that the video that you upload on the Youtube channel can enter the top position. So the chance to get a lot of visits is also higher.

For a content creator, this is of course very influential on income sourced from advertisements or endorsements. As for businesses and digital marketing, high video visits can make a product more popular. Then after that the sales turnover increased.

Purpose and Benefits of Youtube Keyword Research

Through the explanation above, of course you already know that the main goal of YouTube keyword research is to get the top ranking in search. Then after that the number of visits in the video can increase. But besides that, there are actually several other benefits that are no less important.

Find out which videos are often the target audience

Content creators do have freedom in making videos. However, it must remain in accordance with what the audience needs. Through YouTube keyword research activities, you can find out more about videos that are often their target. Especially regarding the use of keywords and topics they also often search for.

Make it easy for audiences to find the videos you upload

Every day even every hour there are thousands of new videos that appear on YouTube. On the one hand, its presence makes this channel more popular among the public. But on the other hand, competition between content creators is also getting tougher and tighter. 

If you do YouTube keyword research before uploading videos, this competition will not be too big. In fact, you can come out as a winner or at least be able to compete with other similar videos. One of the reasons is that it is easier for the audience to find videos of your work through keywords.

Increase Subscribers

The next benefit of YouTube keyword research is to help increase the number of followers or subscribers. When writing keywords in the search field, in a matter of seconds visitors can see tons of videos that are closely related to those keywords.

Increase Subscribers

Before choosing which video to play, usually they will first see the number of views or visits. These viewers have the notion, the more number of visits, indicating that the video has good quality.

Furthermore, if these viewers also think that your videos also have high value, they will not hesitate to become subscribers. So automatically the number of subscribers on your YouTube channel can increase quickly.

How to do YouTube Keyword Research

There are various YouTube keyword research methods that you can apply to achieve all of the above goals. All methods are very easy to practice, including beginners and those who are still learning to create video content.

Adjusting To Your Niche

Among content creators, niche means the main theme in content. So when making a video, you have to determine a theme first. After that, when uploading, choose the keywords that best suit the theme.

For example videos with travel themes, the best keywords you can use include Indonesian tourism, European tourism, travel tips, cultural tourism and so on. Align these keywords according to the existing content. If the discussion is about tourist objects, the keywords are also related to the tourist destination.

Utilize the Autocomplete Feature

You can use the autocomplete feature on YouTube to find the right keywords. Just type one or two words according to the video niche through the search or search field. After that, hundreds of the most relevant search results and frequently searched words by the audience will appear.

For example, you make a video with the theme of tourist attractions in New York. After that, do YouTube keyword research by typing the word 'New York tour' through the search field.

The results that appear are not only the keyword 'New York tourism', but also the keyword derived from these two words. Such as 'latest Jakarta tours', 'cheap New York tours' and so on. Then all you have to do is choose the keywords that are most relevant to the video to be uploaded.

Recent Trends Analysis

Within a certain period of time, video themes that are trending will always appear. Through analysis of the latest trends, you can choose the best and most popular keyword references for the foreseeable future.

The example is still related to the theme of tourism activities and one day there is a tourist object that is trending. You can make videos with themes that are in line with these trends, then upload them using the keywords with the highest number of views.

Using special tools

Apart from aligning with niches and trends, you can search for keywords using keyword tools. Currently, there are several special keyword tools available to help carry out YouTube keyword search tasks with very accurate results.

If you want to get a free one, the choices include Keywordkeg, Ahrefs, TubeBuddy, Google Search, Google Trends, Keywordtool.io and so on. All have the same function, namely as a keyword analysis tool.

Application technique

After doing research and getting the best and most relevant keywords to the video theme, your task is not finished. There is still another job, which is to make sure that your YouTube videos and channel can bring in more visitors and subscribers. The method of application is as follows:

Using titles

In creating video content, you must use a title whose sentence is not only able to make the audience feel curious and interested in seeing it. The title should also contain keywords. The goal is to be an inducement when the audience or viewers do a search.

The higher the association between the title and the main keyword, the more likely a video will appear on the first page of searches. Even more so if the keyword is at the beginning or the front of the title. If it's in the middle or back, it can still appear in searches but it's possible it's not on the first page.

Using description

Every video that you upload on YouTube must have information or a description in written form. Complete this description with sentences that also contain the keywords. This method will increase your chances of ranking at the top of search results.

In order to get more optimal results, try to get keywords to enter in the first 100 words. So it's easier for the YouTube engine to index and put it in the top rankings.

Using tags

Tags are a group of phrases or words that act as a description of the theme in the video. The system works almost the same as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on content in the form of articles and the only difference is the platform.

Its function is also the same, namely as a tool to strive for video content to be in the top position in searches. Just like Google, writing keywords in YouTube tags can have a positive impact in the form of increased video performance.


This is a complete review of how to research YouTube keywords that you can apply easily. Then if you want to get even more optimal results, also learn techniques related to video marketing. Especially for those who are interested in getting involved as online marketing practitioners.

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