Samsung SideSync Free Download

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2 minute read
SideSync is a free application for Windows PCs designed to make it easier for Samsung smartphone users to share files or display their smartphone screen to a PC or laptop. Using this application you can display the screen of your Samsung smartphone to a PC via a USB cable or wirelessly by connecting the PC and smartphone to the same network.

Actually, there are many free applications that you can use to display your smartphone screen to your PC, but if you are a Samsung user then you should consider the SideSync application because this application was made directly by Samsung.

This is one of the favorite applications for Samsung smartphone users who want to display the screen or transfer files to a PC. The number of users who prefer to use this application is certainly not without reason. Here are some excellent features of Samsung SideSync that you need to know:

1. Manage files and access smartphone apps via PC

By using this application, you can not only display the smartphone screen to a PC, but you can also manage files and access applications on your smartphone via a PC. To connect it, you can use a USB cable or via WiFi. Once connected, you can access and use smartphone apps via a PC just like you would with a smartphone.

As long as the smartphone is connected and this application is active, every time a notification comes in, the notification will also appear on the PC including notification of phone calls, SMS, as well as notifications and other applications. Interestingly, you can control everything more easily and freely through the mouse and keyboard of a connected PC or laptop.

2. Transfer files to computer

Besides being able to be used to manage files and applications, you can also send files from a smartphone to a PC or vice versa using this application by drag & drop. Users can also enter files from smartphones into applications on the PC, including inserting photo files into Microsoft Word or others.
In short, if you want to display your screen, send files, and manage Samsung smartphone apps on your PC or laptop more easily then SideSync app is one of the apps you need to consider.

Download the Latest Samsung SideSync

Download The Latest Samsung SideSync Version Free - ERZEDKA

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