EMCO Ping Monitor Free Download

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EMCO Ping Monitor is a free application for Windows PCs that can be used to ping a network host and detect its quality. This application uses ICMP ping to detect the rising or falling status of a monitored host.

The app can also estimate connection quality in real-time based on packet loss, latency, and jitter metrics. All the pings made will be stored allowing the user to get detailed statistics for all hosts in a given period.

Interestingly, when the app detects a change in host state or connection quality, it can notify you of the change. You can set it so that the app sends an email or sound notification when something changes.

Features of EMCO Ping Monitor

There are many applications that you can use to monitor network or host quality, this application made by EMCO Software is one that is quite popular. The number of users who prefer to use this application is certainly not without reason, here are some of the features and advantages of EMCO Ping Monitor that you need to know.

1. Monitor host availability

By using this application you can detect the up or down status of all monitored hosts and save the quality and status information of those networks, you can know when and how long the hosts are up and down.

2. Monitor connection quality

This application will assess the connection quality of each host in real-time and group it into four categories namely Good, Warning, Bad, and Critical. Connection quality is assessed based on the ping metric, but you can also customize the network quality rating criteria to suit your needs.

3. Detailed statistics and reports

All the pinged data will be saved so that you can access the data at any time which is presented in the statistics. Interestingly, statistics or reports on host and network quality can also be saved as PDF and HTML files, and you can even set this application to generate scheduled reports based on a certain time.

4. Notification of connection quality

When the host status or connection quality changes, the app can notify you in a variety of ways from email to voice alerts. In short, if you are looking for a free application that you can use to monitor the quality of your hosts and network connections then EMCO Ping Monitor is one of those applications that you should consider.

Download the Latest EMCO Ping Monitor

  • Latest Version: 8.0.17
  • Publisher: EMCO Software
  • Operating System: Windows
  • Application Category: Development & IT
  • License: Freeware
The Latest EMCO Ping Monitor Free Download - ERZEDKA

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