8+ Visual Marketing Strategies To Increase Customer Interest

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8+ Visual Marketing Strategies To Increase Customer Interest

What is the right marketing for business? Basically, every marketing strategy is capable of producing results. However, the level of effectiveness depends on the target consumers of each business.

If you want to increase customer interest, consider a visual marketing strategy. This marketing strategy can complement the marketing strategies that you are currently implementing or solutions for strategies that are considered to be less than optimal.

Know What is a Visual Marketing Strategy

Already familiar with the term marketing or marketing? However, how can you describe visual marketing? In short, we can interpret the visual marketing strategy as branding activities using visual content in the form of images, videos, graphics, and so on.

Using a visual marketing strategy means offering products or services more interactively. Thus, the target audience will have an image of the message and value of the product or service in their minds. In addition, this one marketing strategy will also make the product or service more realistic. In the end, you will be able to increase sales.

In order to better understand visual marketing strategies, you should first find out the differences between traditional marketing vs digital marketing.

Advantages of Visual Marketing

Every marketing strategy that a business or brand implements, of course, has various advantages. Then, what about visual marketing? What are the advantages of using a visual marketing strategy?

Here is a complete description for those of you who are interested in implementing this one marketing strategy:

  • Audiences Can Capture Impressions in Visual Content Faster

One of the advantages of implementing a visual marketing strategy is that the impression contained in visual content can be captured by the audience more quickly. Basically, humans are visual. The human brain can store new information in visual form up to 60 thousand times faster than information in text form. The eyes transmit about 90 percent of visual information to the brain.

  • Can Serve As Advertising

In running a business, promotion, advertising and marketing will be three things that are very attached. However, are you going to spend all the money on all three? Let's look at this important thing! When implementing a visual marketing strategy, you are not only marketing the product but also advertising it. 

Visual content will make it easier for readers to find product advertisements through the relevant images you use. As a result, the content marketing that you use can reach more readers. However, that doesn't mean you can't do promotions and advertisements.

For those who run an online business, the need for product or service advertisements can be obtained by choosing Google Ads or Facebook Ads services. The choice of advertising services can be adjusted to the goals and target audience that you set.

  • One Visual Content Can Represent Multiple Things

Another advantage that cannot be underestimated from a visual marketing strategy is the ability of the content. Did you know that one visual content can represent many things? Even just using visual content, for example in the form of images, you don't need to add text or words.

However, you must adjust images or other visual content according to the information you want to convey. So that visual content can represent the company in showing the intent and purpose of the visual content.

Visual Marketing Strategy

To market your product or service, you can try the following visual marketing strategies:

  • Combine Image and Text

Talking about visual marketing strategies, have you tried various marketing strategies but haven't gotten maximum results? To be able to increase sales, you can try combining images and writing.

This method is a visual marketing strategy that has been applied by many business people and marketers. You can apply a combination of the two types of content as in content shared on social media. Where you can include pictures with writing that attract the attention of the audience.

Apart from text on images, you can also add captions. So, every post on social media will appear more interesting and more people will find out what products or services you offer. You can also apply a combination of images and writing in advertisements or other forms of promotion, even when carrying out traditional marketing.

Also find out what social media marketing is through this one article.

  • Use Videos

The next visual marketing strategy is using video. Utilizing video as a form of content is the right thing, especially nowadays. How could that be? The majority of internet users have a habit of spending time watching videos. Nowadays, there are even more attractive video provider platforms. 

That is why videos have a wide reach on various social media. However, you shouldn't be careless in making videos. Make sure the video content you share is interesting. Also, don't forget to insert promotional messages using fun ways in a short time.

  • Create Infographics

Have implemented many marketing strategies but sales still haven't shown a significant increase? This time you can try a visual marketing strategy by making infographics.

To be able to attract the attention of your audience, you can create informative content that contains brief data or facts. Add infographics to make the content more interesting and easier to understand. Well, the infographic can even represent thousands of words.

Compared to presenting content in the form of writing of up to thousands of words, it would be better to create short and concise content. Then add infographics to support the content. For those who are still curious or confused about the differences between digital marketing and internet marketing, please read this article.

  • Share Visual Content on Social Media

With a high level of active users, it's no wonder that social media has now become a promising platform or marketing medium.

The rapid development of social media has made social media more than just a medium for connecting between users. Brands or businesses can use social media to gain online visibility, branding, and to generate rupiah coffers through online sales.

Social media can also help build and maintain good relationships with customers while expanding the reach of a wider audience. This allows you to get a good reception when implementing visual marketing strategies through visual content on various social media platforms.

  • Do Webinars

The goal of marketing including using visuals is to generate prospects that can be converted into potential customers, right? For those who want to start implementing a visual marketing strategy, try doing a webinar.

Choose an interesting topic according to the interests of the target audience. Also adjust the topic to the expertise of your team.

  • Use Interesting Memes

Memes or memes are increasingly spreading rapidly. In the digital era, various things can be uploaded so quickly to social media, including memes. Usually, memes come in the form of pictures of expressions or people that are created to entertain or offend human behavior today.

Memes can also be in the form of videos that you can use as a visual marketing strategy. Interesting memes will be able to attract the attention of internet users, especially on social media.

  • Create an Email Course

Having the ability or expertise will be very helpful in running a business. You can share these skills with others via email courses. Course options can be very diverse related to the business you are running.

For example, if your business focuses on makeup products, you can share makeup courses with various types of makeup choices that can be tailored to the needs of your audience. It can be daily makeup, invitation makeup, or other types of makeup.

  • Use Image Optimization

Already familiar with the term optimization? Search Engine Optimization or SEO is an effort that website owners or managers can make so that websites can be found on search results pages. You can also do optimization on images. This will certainly be very helpful, especially for those of you who are looking for the right visual marketing strategy.

When optimizing images, that means you have to apply SEO principles, such as paying attention to image copyrights on the images you use. The right image size will also have an effect in terms of optimization.

Haven't mastered SEO techniques or don't have much time to focus on optimization needs? Take it easy, you can rely on SEO services as provided on the Internet.

  • Enrich Blog with Visuals

To complement the visual marketing strategy that you are planning or even already running, why not try to enrich your blog with visuals? A blogger must always look for ideas and strategies so that people don't get bored with their posts.

Therefore, it needs a little touch, namely by adding visual content in the form of images, charts, memes, infographics, or videos. The content must be relevant to the contents of the blog. Besides looking richer, blogs that contain visual content will also be more interesting.

The combination of color and illustration can increase retention while influencing readers to read all the way to the end of the blog post. You can also add a CTA at the end of a blog post. So that more and more new prospects will approach you.


With so many existing visual marketing strategies, business people can apply trial and error to find a suitable marketing strategy. Regardless of which visual marketing strategy you choose, do an evaluation so you can see the results.

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