5+ Tips for Creating Effective Landing Pages

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5+ Tips for Creating Effective Landing Pages

Are you tired of hearing complaints from your boss because of the high bounce rate on your landing page or the low conversion rate of your website? All the effort you've put in to get the data conversion rate so far seems like it hasn't helped much. 

Creating an effective landing page to increase traffic to a website is not easy. However, it is not impossible to do. Here are some tips you can learn to create an effective landing page.

  • Minimalist landing page

Make sure your page or landing page is minimalist. Do not let any elements distract visitors from the original purpose of making the page. A good landing page must be able to convey a clear message about the description of the services and products you offer. Make a minimalist design but still attractive.

  • Make sure each landing page is created differently

You can apply this second tip to businesses that are still relatively small in size and target the local market, for various clients of different economic classes. For example, you can create an advertising campaign with keywords that have been adjusted to the target audience. 

Thus, each page can be sure to have unique results. If each landing page you create is different, your audience will definitely not get bored visiting your company's website and will eventually generate more conversions.

  • Pay attention to landing page URLs

Each landing page you create has a different URL that can be viewed in the dialog box on the search engine browser. Indeed, the URL will not be read by loyal visitors to your landing page. But Google still reads and recognizes it. 

Every URL registered on Google will be assessed and placed based on a ranking system. This means that if your URL is not unique enough, it is possible that the landing page will be at the bottom, not at the top. So, make sure the URL is unique and attractive so that Google places the landing page in the top position. In the end, your landing page will get a lot of visitors and conversions.

  • Make the reader curious

Sometimes, people who are curious about a new product will click on an ad that appears from another site on their computer. They are actually not curious about the product, but the contents of the article there.

Furthermore, if visitors find the site they are visiting interesting, there is a possibility that they will continue to use the products offered. The trick is to create compelling content while keeping the landing page minimalist.

  • Short and solid reading

Your site visitors want to easily understand the product they are looking at. Of course, to achieve this, you don't have to make posts that are too long and end up confusing site visitors. 

Present articles that are short but still rich in content. This will help your landing page be effective in convincing customers to use the products or services offered.

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