XnView Apk Free Download

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XnView is a multi-format graphics browser, viewer and Image/photo converter. This software can read more than 400 file formats, such as gif, bmp, jpeg, png, targa, multipage tiff, mpeg, avi, Quicktime, and many more.

When we have a large collection of images/photos and want to resize, optimize, add text (watermark) and so on, we can process them one by one. But if the pictures are hundreds or even thousands, of course it is a time-consuming job. With XnView we can process multiple images with just one step. This image viewer software has a browser that looks like Windows Explorer which allows users to browse content directories.

XnView supports red eye correction, crop and transform JPEG images losslessly, generates HTML pages and contact sheets, and provides batch conversion and batch renaming. By using XnView, users can also create slide shows with transition effects, perform screen capturing, get WIA and TWAIN support (scanners and digital cameras), image comparison, and file operations.

XnView provides two options, namely Delay and HotKey. The delay option is used to automatically capture the screen with the time setting in seconds (seconds). While the Hotkey functions to capture screens by pressing certain keys, for example by pressing the F2 key. Uniquely, XnView can display several video formats, such as MPEG, Quicktime, AVI, Quicktime. 

This application also provides several tools, such as a conversion function to convert photo formats to other types of photo formats, take screenshots of your images and create slides with audio. The user interface of this program is similar to Windows Explorer, so there is no difficulty in using this program.

Some of the advantages of XnView:
  1. Able to display about 500 image formats, and save in 50 image formats.
  2. Image editing, resizing, rotation, crop, brightness, auto level and more
  3. Apply filters and effects to images such as blur, emboss, lens, wave and others
  4. Full screen mode
  5. Slide show with various effects
  6. Batch Processing (processing multiple images with one process).

Download the Latest XnView

  • License: Freeware 
  • Developer: XnSoft 
  • Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11
Download XnView 2.51

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