XnConvert Free Download

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Download XnConvert 1.95

XnConvert is an image converter that supports more than 800 file formats such as jpeg, tiff, png, gif, camera raw, jpeg2000, webp, open exr and others. In today's digital age, it's not easy to count the number of photos you take. It doesn't cost much to produce the number of photos you want, until your camera or smartphone battery runs out. Then you will use the photo for you to upload, share, edit, and so on.

This XnConvert application really helps you if you want to make changes to your image file extension, besides that this application is very light to download and can be used on Windows, Linux and MAC operating systems. With the support of various operating systems, the XnConvert application is widely used by Internet users to convert their images.

We often edit photos in common and simple ways such as resizing, renaming, format conversion, color fixing, and so on. Imagine if you sat down to resize and rename hundreds of photos manually.
XnConverter can do much more than that. In addition to its powerful performance, XnConverter is also easy to use.

Besides being easy to use, this application is able to convert image extensions in batch form, meaning that it can convert several images in any format which are then converted together with 1 format directly. It is very efficient if you want to change many images with just one click by using this XNCONVERT application.

Drag and drop your photo in the Input area, then edit the photo as you wish in the Actions area, then Add action. With this you can do anything with your photos from resize, rotate, watermark, border, to play with colors.

In the Output Area, you can create a new filename, you can also batch rename to make it easier for you to name multiple photos.

Download the Latest XnConvert

  • License: Freeware 
  • Developer: XnSoft 
  • Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11


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