WordPress User Roles and Permissions [Ultimate Guide]

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Complete Guide to WordPress User Roles and Permissions

WordPress is one of the largest Content Management System (CMS) in the world that allows us to maintain a website easily and in an organized manner. Where to manage it all, of course WordPress requires a User Role management system.

Are you new to WordPress and want to understand how the User Roles and Permissions system works in WordPress? Read this article in full.

What are user roles and permissions in WordPress?

User Roles grant a unique access to each registered user. Where each of these roles, there are capabilities and permissions that can be accessed by the user.

On a new WordPress website, there are 5 default roles:
  1. Administrator : Manage & access all wordpress settings unlimited
  2. Editor : Fully manage posts & pages, comment moderation
  3. Author : Writes and edits his own content only
  4. Contributor : Can only edit content
  5. Subscriber: A special role for website visitors who have logged in
  6. Bonus – Super Admin : (Only works on multi site only)

How do I change user role permissions in WordPress?

Actually, wordpress default User Roles already meet the needs of various websites in general.

For example on the News Article website, where access to "Editor" can be given to Senior Staff, while "Author" can be given to Junior Staff.

Complete Guide to WordPress User Roles and Permissions

However, there are times when we need special customization of access to User Roles. For that, you have to install a WordPress plugin called Member. With this plugin, we can create, manage and change user roles on a wordpress website easily.

Steps to Change User Roles Settings:
  1. Login to wordpress homepage
  2. Then go to menu Members >> Roles
  3. Select the Roles you want to change access >> Click Edit
  4. From here, you can change various permissions
  5. When finished, press the Update button

How to add custom user roles in WordPress?

Using the same plugin, we can also add new Roles in WordPress. For example, the roles of “Customer”, “Donator”, “Developer”, whatever according to our needs.
  1. Go to Members >> Add New Role
  2. Give the role a name, and adjust its capabilities
  3. If so, stay in Add Role
  4. Next, create a new user account in Users >> Add Newadd new user
  5. From there, you choose the role, for example: Developer
  6. Done

By now, you should have understood the functionality of User Roles and Permissions in WordPress through this guide. If you have something to ask, please comment below. Hope it is useful!

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