Lively Wallpaper Free Download

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Lively Wallpaper is an animated wallpaper application that is completely free to use on your Windows PC. If you are bored with the same laptop or PC wallpaper, you can use this application to replace it with a more interesting wallpaper. By using this application you can set your desktop wallpaper directly, either using the provided wallpaper or making your own from various types of content.

You also don't have to worry about computer performance being disrupted when applying interactive wallpapers, because wallpapers installed using this application will automatically stop when an application or game is running in full screen mode.

Live Wallpaper Features

There are many wallpaper applications that you can use for free on your Windows PC, but this application made by Dani John is one that is quite popular, especially among users who want to install interactive animated wallpapers.

The number of users who prefer to use this application to install wallpaper on the desktop is certainly not without reason, here are some of the features and advantages of Lively Wallpaper that you need to know.

1. Supports various file types

By using this application you can use various types of multimedia files as wallpaper including images, videos, GIFs, HTML, to web addresses.

2. Lightweight and easy to use

If you use a PC or laptop with limited specifications, you don't have to worry about this application interfering with your computer's performance. The reason is, this application can stop automatically when an application or game is running in full screen mode.

So that the application or game can run optimally. In addition, the wallpaper video player embedded in this application is also supported by hardware acceleration powered by the mpv player.

3. Supports dual monitors

If you are using a PC with two or more monitors, you can also set the wallpaper for each screen. Using this application you can apply different wallpapers on each screen or the same wallpaper.

In short, if you are looking for a wallpaper application for Windows PC that can make your computer screen more interactive and interesting, then Lively Wallpaper is one application that you should consider.

Release Notes

  • Version
  • Added support for Windows 11.
  • Fixed core wallpaper.
  • Fixed the Webview2 (Edge) plugin.
  • Fixed bugs and improved other features.

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