Kdenlive Free Download

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Kdenlive is a free open source video editing application to add effects to videos without any restrictions and without any watermarks. Kdenlive stands for KDE Non-Linear Video Editor which is the best video editing application specifically for use on devices with the Linux operating system. However, currently it doesn't only operate on Linux, it turns out that this application can also work on Windows, BSD and MacOS.

This application is licensed open source. So for those of you who have ever edited videos with professional video editing applications, you will have no difficulty when using this application. You can even tinker with and develop this app because of its open nature.

In the digital era like today, the need for multimedia content that is able to display audio-visual simultaneously is very much needed. Currently internet bandwidth to access videos from time to time is increasing, where at this time video is indeed used as a medium to communicate either through social media, chat, video conferencing, advertising to entertainment.

The number of YouTube users is getting higher, from children to adults. Even millennials are allegedly no longer watching TV. They no longer watch conventional TV at home or at work, but they watch TV from YouTube and other social media.

Apart from YouTube, Instagram and TikTok also provide facilities for sharing videos. Then they launched IG TV which was allegedly going to be a big rival to YouTube. One of the advantages of YouTube is that viewers have the choice of what program they want to watch, and at what time they want. Unlike on TV, which they have no choice and must conform to a schedule determined by the TV station.

Kdenlive is a free video editor that is widely used by vloggers for the results to be uploaded on social media or youtube, but regarding the edits, you don't need to worry anymore. Because this application is very intuitive and powerful, including the use of the latest technology.

Kdenlive processes all video operations using MLT framework, no wonder why Kdenlive is supported by multiple OS. MLT uses many other source codecs such as FFmpeg, Fri0R, therefore it can edit almost all media types compatible with FFmpeg including MOV, AVI, MP4, WEBM, HD, HDV, UHD video as well as on various types of media including video, audio and images.

Some basic features of Kdenlive:
  1. A large number of effects and transitions and can be modified as desired.
  2. Support multitrack editor with timeline and unlimited number of video and audio tracks.
  3. Has a complete feature of move, crop and delete video clips, audio clips, text clips and image clips.
  4. Track Video and audio are arranged in multi-layer form.
  5. It has keyboard shortcuts and interface layouts that can be modified as needed.

Download the Latest Kdenlive

  • License: Freeware 
  • Developers: KDE e.V.
  • Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11
Download Kdenlive 22.04.2 For Windows, Mac Os & LINUX

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