How to Scan on Canon Printer [Easy Ways]

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Scanning documents using a Canon MP287 printer can be done in two ways, one of which is simply by activating the scan button on the printer. But do you know there is another way. Maybe some people are still unfamiliar with this second method. 

On pre-programmed Windows, it is programmed for users using devices that are linked to their systems, including printers. To be more clear, see the steps on How to Scan a Canon Printer which has summarized below:

How to Scan Canon Printers Suitable for All Printer Series
How to Scan Canon Printers Suitable for All Printer Series

Can I use my Canon printer as a scanner?

the answer is YES. No need to worry about the printer series used in this tutorial if it is different from your printer. Because to scan with a canon printer, use also the same and relevant. you can use this method on Canon MP237, MP198, MP258 and other types of Canon Multifunction. To scan a document there are several things that must be prepared beforehand, including:
  • Canon Multifunction Printer that is equipped with a scanner
  • Laptop or PC
  • Documents to be scanned (eg ID card, CV, photo, etc.)
  • Make sure the printer is installed with the laptop connected via USB cable.

If everything issued above has been prepared then do it to scan using the printer canon. Take a good look at the steps below:
  1. Turn on your laptop, then connect the USB printer cable by plugging it in the laptop's USB slot.
  2. Then press the "ON" button on your canon printer and wait for the lights to stop turning on which are ready to use.
  3. When the printer is ready for use, open the scanner cover and place the document with the page you want to scan facing down. Print the size and place it straight, print to the size that is already in the printer.
  4. Then close the scanner cover and please now to use the laptop
  5. Then press the Scan button on the printer if you want manual or, do it next to do it from a laptop
  6. Select MP Navigator EX 4.0 or accessible by clicking the star, select Canon Utilities and select MP Navigator EX 4.0. If you use a laptop, you don't need the Scan button like the previous step, because it has been replaced by software.
  7. Wait for the scanning process or the scanning of the document being scanned.
  8. Done, my friend can see the scan results on Start, Computer, Library, then My Pictures and look for the MP Navigator Ex 4.0 Folder.
  9. The default scan results are in PDF format, but if you want the results in JPG then you need to set or set the MP Navigator Ex 4.0 to change the output format.

How is it not easy to do a scan on a canon printer? You don't need to talk about photocopying or computer rentals to request documents. Enough with a Canon MP printer, this task can be done quickly.

If you want to copy a document with a canon printer then the way you can do it is as follows:
  1. Turn on your Canon multifunction (MP) printer. Without having to plug a USB printer into a laptop.
  2. Then load the document into the scanner and position it straight and face down. Prepare blank and clean paper to print the photocopy.
  3. Then press the Black button if you want to copy with black and white results. Press Color if you want to copy with color results.
  4. Wait a while the printer will process or merge the document until it comes out
  5. Done, my friend has successfully copied the document.
Thus information about how to Scan a Canon Printer that you can do easily. Hopefully the tutorial above can be useful for all of you. Good luck!

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