Hotspot Shield Free Download

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Hotspot Shield is software to protect your device from the dangers of spyware & hackers when you connect to the internet network by browsing the web anonymously, hiding your IP so that it cannot be detected by anyone.

Hotspot Shield is able to detect malware, make your browsing safe, protect privacy and block access to dangerous sites. WiFi users are advised to install this program on their devices.

For those of you who daily access the internet at work or often spend time at cafes that have public wifi services, you can try this application. This application is very helpful for users who like to take advantage of free WiFi services.

How this application works by forming a virtual private network or VPN. The browser that has this software installed will make an encrypted connection to the Shield server, converting all http traffic to a more secure https.

This application has the main function of protecting the user and the IP used from being detected when browsing, allowing access to various content and web sites that are blocked or censored, and securing user data with HTTPS encryption. In addition, this application can also protect users from Key Loggers, Spyware, Snoopers, and Viruses that are prone to infecting when the device is connected to the internet via a WiFi hotspot.

By rerouting web traffic and providing a new ip address (proxy*) hosted by AnchorFree, this company ensures that your data traffic is safe and cannot be hacked by MITM (Man In The Middle) attacks or network spoofing.

Some Hotspot Shield Features:
  1. Protects you from online identity theft
  2. Protect your browsing activity, data, online shop, and online personal information with HTTPS Encryption
  3. Protecting IP address to maintain online identity and private browsing.
  4. Access all content privately without censorship/ Bypass firewall
  5. Can be used for wireless or wired connections
  6. HotSpot Shield is highly recommended for those of you who care about privacy and anonymity in their daily surfing activities. And also secure your activities from prying eyes of hackers and cybercrimes.

Download the Latest Hotspot Shield

  • License: Freeware 
  • Developer: AnchorFree
  • Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11
Download Hotspot Shield 10.22.1

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