FreeCAD Free Download

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FreeCAD is a freeware application for making modeling in 3D CAD / MCAD / CAX / CAE / PLM which is intended for mechanical engineers as well as designers. The price of the AutoCAD license is very expensive, of course, those of you who don't have enough money will have problems, but here's one of the free AutoCAD alternative applications.

This application can also be used for a wider range of service processes such as in architectural design or in other engineering specialties. Software with features based on parametric modelers with a modular software architecture that makes it easy to use.

The application has a full geometry core based on Open CASCADE technology that enables complex 3D operations in complex shape types, with native support for concepts such as boundary representation (brep), curves and non-uniform rational base splines (nurbs), various geometric entities. , Boolean rules and operations, and built-in support for the STEP and IGES formats.

FreeCAD is one of the best open source applications designed and designed using OpenCasCade, which is a powerful geometry kernel equipped with Inventor-compliant an Open 3D representation model provided by the library (library) of Coin 3D, and also uses an API (Application Programming Interface). The interface design is built with Qt. So that it can run on various operating system platforms such as Windows, Mac OSX and Linux.

A Sketcher equipped with a constraint-solver function, which allows users to create a geometric sketch in the form of 2D shapes. These sketches allow you to build certain types of geometry without being restricted, and use them as a basis for building another object.

The Drawing Sheets module feature will allow users to place a 2D view of the created 3D model on a worksheet. This will then produce a module that is ready to be exported as an SVG file format or into a PDF type. This module is still rarely found but this feature is equipped with a fairly powerful python function.

Download the Latest FreeCAD

Download FreeCAD 0.19.4

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