Easy Ways to Connect the Epson L3150 Printer Wifi Connection

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On this occasion the Erzedka.com wants to share a tutorial on How to install a network to connect to a printer using the Epson l3150 printer Wifi driver in an automatic way, maybe how to set up wireless using USB 2.0 directly to the printer and computer will be discussed in the next article.

The existence of a wireless network on this type of Epson printer is an additional feature provided in this type of printer, with a connection via a wireless printer network, it makes the printing process easier for your daily use so you don't have to bother connecting and disconnecting the usb 2.0 cable. Mobility and the printing process will also be more efficient in accessing the use of printers in office areas, only need to connect the printer via wireless.

Why do I need to install a printer driver?

Easy Ways to Connect the Epson L3150 Printer Wifi Connection

Reflecting on one of the cases yesterday, a reader asked us if he had never installed the printer driver, but only turned on the printer and plugged in the usb 2.0 cable but still can print? but the wifi light on the epson L3150 printer does not turn on.

According to Erzedka.com, this is because the printer is not connected to wifi, or the wifi connection is disconnected from the printer. if it's not connected, it can also be like a problem that often happens to computer users with the Windows 10 operating system, generally the printer owner only connects the usb 2.0 cable to the device, the automatic installation process runs but only the basic installation for printing is obtained. so you need to do a full driver install,

In this article, arenaprinter.com wants to share tips on how to connect an Epson L3150 printer to a wifi network in your workspace area, for those of you who are buying a new printer unit for the first time usually get an Epson printer driver included in the form of a DVD in a cardboard box / included when making a purchase. printer units.

For those who are currently confused looking for tips on how to connect the Epson L3150 printer to a wifi network that is around our work area or in the home area correctly, you can follow the following guide,

How to Setup Epson L3150 Printer WiFi

The first thing that needs to be prepared is the epson net set up printer driver according to the series, if you don't have the driver you can download it at the article link above or look for it via the internet at http://support.epson.net, type setup navi L3150, if you already have a drive you can follow the steps to install the following Epson wifi driver:

1. The first step Run the printer driver program, either from the computer/cassette

2. Then also connect the usb 2.0 cable on the device you are using, this is to speed up the reading process

3. In these next steps, you only need to follow and read the instructions contained in the Epson Navi setup installation application.

read the instructions

4. heck the box "I agree to the terms of this agreement" then press "Next".

5. In this third image, the application will perform a complete installation, the application asks if this process is the first time the printer is used (a new printer), if this is the first installation process, you can follow the step-by-step image to the network connection process.

6. In the process of linking this connection, there are two options, namely connecting via a direct wireless connection that has been connected to your computer (more recommended) or connecting via a USB 2.0 cable.

7. Press next after selecting a wireless connection, in this process the application will install the program and you must turn it on by pressing the wifi button on the printer for 3 seconds until the flashing button lights up

8. This process will turn on the wireless network on the printer then the application will detect the existing printer so that it can be connected, as in the image below the Epson L3150 printer is detected and entered in the list of printers that can be connected to your area network.

your area network

9. Select your printer then press the next button to continue connecting the printer to wireless, then after that continue by selecting Ip address automatic configuration (dhcp) for automatic, if you want to set IP manually you can choose IP address manual configuration (static address). 

After that press next to continue, and here is the most awaited process, if the process is successful it will look like the following image.

10. Done, at this position your printer is connected to your wifi network area. So you can directly add a printer if it is on the same network.


How to Reset the Wireless Network on the Epson L3150 Printer

Here we position that we have done wifi settings, but the wifi is off and we need to do wireless settings again, here we want to connectdon't return the printer to the network using the driver that we downloaded.

1. In the latest application, install Setup Navi requires you to download the latest version of the program to be installed (requires an internet connection) > then press "Next".

2. Next according to your goal to reset the wifi network "Change or re-set the connection method".

Change or re-set the connection method

3. Next, the program will download the software so that it can make network settings.

4. Then you will find the same method as above, namely pressing the wifi button for 3 seconds .. will take place, if the connection process fails you can choose the option to set up a wireless network via USB & WPS


That's the discussion review that we can share regarding the steps for connecting the Epsom L3150 printer to a wireless network in your office/work area. All this process will run automatically if you follow the method above, hopefully it will be useful and can be used as a reference, thank you!

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