cFosSpeed Free Download

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cFosSpeed ​​is an application for Windows PC that can be used to speed up internet connection, reduce ping time, and manage internet usage. This application uses a priority scheme to provide internet speed throughout the program where game traffic, VoIP, and streaming audio or video content will be prioritized over other programs.

If it's your first time using this application, you don't need to worry about difficulties, because this application comes with an intuitive and easy-to-use interface. However, for ordinary users who do not understand computer networks, it may be a little difficult.

Features of cFosSpeed

Actually there are many Windows applications that can be used to speed up internet connections and reduce ping times, this application made by cFos Software GmbH is one that is quite popular. The number of users who prefer to use this application is certainly not without reason, here are some features and advantages of cFosSpeed ​​that you need to know.

1. Equipped with Traffic Shaping technology

This application uses Traffic Shaping technology to prioritize the transfer of the most important internet data packets and delay the less important packets.

Thanks to this technology, the app can significantly reduce latency and speed up internet connections. In addition, this application also applies a priority scheme to provide maximum bandwidth. Game internet connection, VoIP, and audio or video streaming will be prioritized for maximum download and upload speed. However, users can also set the priority list of programs as desired.

2. Speed ​​up internet connection for online games

By using this application you can also speed up internet connection and reduce ping time for certain games.

In the Programs menu there is a Games menu, from there you will find various types of popular games and set the priority of internet usage as desired. However, if your favorite game is not on the list, you can add it manually.

3. Surf the internet fast

If you surf the internet a lot, this application can also help you speed up the load time of the web pages you open. The reason is, this application is integrated with an HTTP detector that can speed up page load times.

4. Improve voice quality of VoIP applications

If you frequently communicate using VoIP applications such as Skype and Teamspeak, these applications can also improve the quality of your voice.

Traffic Shaping technology can reduce and maintain ping times, this application is also equipped with an RTP detection feature that can prioritize VoIP and other live stream programs. In short, if you want to speed up your internet connection, reduce ping times, and manage your internet connection usage then cFosSpeed ​​is one application you should consider.

Release Notes

  • Version 12.00.2512
  • Fixed ping problem.
  • Fixed bugs and improved other features.

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cFosSpeed For Free


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