Download NetBalancer Free Download

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NetBalancer is an application for Windows PC that can be used to manage and monitor internet network traffic. Using this application you can adjust the priority of various types of running processes.

You can set download, upload, jitter speed limits, configure network adapters, block network traffic and so on.

This application may be a little confusing for beginners, but for users who are used to configuring computer networks this application can be very helpful in optimizing internet network traffic.

NetBalancer Features

There are many Windows applications that you can use to monitor and control internet network traffic including GlassWire, NetLimiter, TinyWall and so on.

This application made by SeriousBit is one that is quite popular, many users who prefer to use this application are certainly not without reason, here are some of the features and advantages of NetBalancer that you need to know.

1. Set network usage priorities and limits

By using this application you can set priority for certain processes, so that the process you define will be prioritized first over other processes or applications.

Apart from that, you can also set the download and upload speeds for specific processes or apps as per your wish.

2. Monitor running processes or applications

This application is equipped with features that allow you to monitor applications or processes that are running complete with information about download speed, upload, priority, download limit, upload limit and so on.

In addition, you can also view network traffic statistics in a graph format that is easier to read, such as a graph of the most frequently accessed sites, applications that frequently access the internet and so on.

3. Secure the network settings with a password

To prevent accidental changes and prevent others from changing the network settings that you have defined, you can also protect the settings and priorities that you have set using a password.

4. Synchronize settings to web-based applications

NetBalancer also provides a web-based control panel that allows you to monitor and adjust network settings via a website. However, to do this you need to sync the settings in the PC application to a web-based application.

Other features that this application also has include the feature to apply tags and commands in bulk, download and upload history, network filters, command line support and so on.
In short, if you want to control and monitor internet network traffic, then NetBalancer is one application that you should consider.

Release Notes

  • Returns the status bar.
  • Bug fixes and feature improvements.

Download the Latest NetBalancer

  • Latest Version: 10.4.2
  • Publisher: SeriousBit
  • Operating System: Windows
  • Application Category: Development & IT
  • License: Trial

The Latest NetBalancer Free Download APK - ERZEDKA


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