Everything Apk Free Download

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Everything is software that is used to search files/data on laptops & computers with Microsoft Windows-based operating systems. If you have a lot of data/files on your laptop or computer, one of the processes in Windows that is often used is file search. 

Although Windows already provides a search feature, the results obtained are usually still slow or inaccurate. Unless the indexing service feature is enabled. This also sometimes has the side effect of slowing down the computer.

When we search for files using Windows' built-in features, it usually takes a long time. Another case if the Windows Indexing Service feature is activated, the search will be much faster. But when the indexing service is activated, the process of indexing files on the computer cannot be said to be light.

You can filter the files you want to search easily, such as only wanting to search for audio files, of course you don't want document, video, compressed and image files to appear in the search results.

The indexing process often slows down computer performance, not to mention that this index database requires a large amount of capacity. So the longer the database will be quite large. And when there are file changes, the indexing process also takes time.

This little program is very simple indeed, but as the name suggests, it gives satisfactory results. We can search for files on the computer in an instant. In addition, we can also search using various other features so that the results are more accurate.

Another feature, has the ability to distinguish various types / types of files in the process of searching for files on a PC. So that the features of the Everything application have advantages over the default windows features.

Download the Latest Everything

When on a computer/laptop there are additions or deletions of files and data, when everything is run, the database will automatically be updated and this also takes a very short time, even when the program is active, the database has been updated.
  • License: Freeware 
  • Developer: VoidTools
  • Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11

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