4 Ways to Take Care of Color Cartridges to Be Durable and Not Quickly Damaged

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How To Take Care Of Color Cartridges To Be Durable And Not Quickly Damaged. Cartridges that are often damaged or when used do not give perfect results are color cartridges.

This often happens because printer users often only use black, this is because often only documents are printed, not color images or photos.

4 Ways to Take Care of Color Cartridges to Be Durable and Not Quickly Damaged

How to Take Care of Color Cartridges to Be Durable and Not Quickly Damaged

The color cartridge is damaged, the results do not come out or one of the colors does not work, apart from being used a little, it is also caused by the user's own mistakes who often don't realize it or lack knowledge about how to operate it properly, protect the printer itself. And here's how to take care of color cartridges to be durable and not quickly damaged:

1. Use the printer regularly to print

Use your printer regularly to keep the print cartridge heads moist. Then, if you have a lot of print jobs, don't print them all at once, but divide them into stages and take breaks by giving them a delay. For document printing, the recommended waiting time is 3 minutes and for color it is 5 minutes.

2. Fill the ink before it runs out

Get in the habit of refilling the ink before it runs out. The reason is, if we usually refill the ink waiting for the ink to run out, this will cause our cartridges to heat up quickly and damage the cartridge head itself.

It's better to take the time to be disciplined about filling ink than fatal things happen to your cartridge, because our heads are damaged, you have to buy a new cartridge.

3. Print color regularly

If we often print black and white documents, then we must not forget to use a printer to print full color documents, it can be an important picture or photo in many colors on a regular basis. This is to keep the color cartridge heads wet and not dry.

4. How to Take Care of Color Cartridges to Last Don't Force Turn Off the Printer

That is, when you finish printing a document and later still want to print again in a period that is not even a few hours, then leave the printer on. That's brief information that needs to be considered about how to take care of color cartridges to be durable and not quickly damaged.

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