How to Share a Printer on Mac, Easy Solution for Printing Documents!

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Just because you have multiple Macs doesn't mean you need more than one printer, nor does it mean you need to rely on only one computer to handle print jobs. OS X includes an excellent network printer system that lets you easily share printers among all the Macs on your network. In this Mac tip, we'll show you how to do it.

How to Share a Printer on Mac
How to Share a Printer on Mac

Start by logging in to your Mac with a printer attached, then you can follow the steps below on How to Share a Printer on a Mac:

How to Share a Printer on Mac

Maybe some of the printer users don't know how to share a printer on a Mac. Because the process is a bit different from the printer sharing process on Windows. For those of you who have a MAC device, you can follow the tutorial below, but make sure to follow the steps correctly and sequentially.
  • Open System Preferences (Apple Menu > System Preferences).
  • Open the Sharing preference pane.
  • Enable the option for Printer Sharing.
  • Check the box next to each printer in the list of Printers you want to share over the network.

There he is! Once you enable this setting, your connected printer will now be available to share over the network with all other Macs. However, you will still need to set up a shared printer on your other Mac to use it by performing these steps:
  1. Open System Preferences (Apple Menu > System Preferences).
  2. Open the Printers & Scanners preference pane.
  3. Click + to add a new printer.
  4. In the Add dialog that appears, select the printer displayed from the network scan to add, and then click Add.

Once done, you are now ready to print over the network to the connected printer. No tricks required: when you try to print, the job will be automatically transferred over the network to the computer containing the printer, then the print job will be executed and printed.

That's information about how to share a printer on a Mac review that you can follow. Hopefully the tips and tutorials above can be useful and help solve the problems that you currently have. Good Luck!

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