How to Share a Printer in Windows 8

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Printer sharing is one of the solutions and also the most effective method for printing documents on one printer but can be accessed from several computers at once. Sharing printers or Sharing Printers between computers to print a document on one printer can be used over a network such as LAN or WiFi. 

This is of course very useful, especially for friends who only have one printer but many users. The advantages of sharing printers are not only for users at home, because these tips can be used in internet cafes which can certainly be a solution to reduce budget expenses.

How to Share a Printer in Windows 8, Easy Printer Sharing Tutorial!
How to Share a Printer in Windows 8

Maybe there are some of you who don't understand how to share printers, don't worry because this time SeputarPrinter will provide an easy tutorial for sharing printers so you can easily do it. 

Now for friends who use a PC, computer or laptop with Windows 8 OS and want to use a shared printer so that it can be used together with other computers, then for more detailed information, follow the tutorial How to Share a Windows 8 Printer:

How to Share a Printer in Windows 8, Easy Printer Sharing Tips and Tutorials!

Preparation before starting the printer sharing process

Some of the preparations below you should do before starting the printer sharing process. This is done so that the printer sharing process runs smoothly.
  • First, my friend logs in Windows 8 as Administrator status
  • Make sure the "File and Printer Sharing" setting in Windows 8 is active.

Settings on the Host/Server Computer

This setting is done on the Host/Server computer that has a printer and will be shared so that it can be used by other computers connected to a network.
  1. The first step that must be done is to enter the Control Panel menu.
  2. Then in the control panel window, click "View devices and printers"
  3. Next in the Device and Printers window, select the name of the printer that will be shared by right-clicking on the printer then clicking "Printer Properties" and a properties dialog box will appear.

  4. In the properties dialog box, select the "Sharing" tab and then check the "Share this printer" check box after clicking "OK".
  5. Until here the sharing process has been completed and the next step is to do the settings on the client computer.

Settings on the Client Computer

This setting will be done on a computer that uses a printer from a server computer and has opened a share of a printer so you can use it together.

But before you proceed to the next process, make sure that the server computer is on and also make sure the printer is turned on and the status is shared.
  1. Enter Device and Printer (how to enter device and printer, see steps in number 1 and number 2 in the Host Computer settings above)
  2. Click "Add devices and printers".
  3. If the client computer can recognize the printer driver, the printer will automatically appear in the search list, then continue by pressing the Next, Next and finally Finish buttons to complete the printer installation process on the client computer.
  4. Information: If Windows fails to detect the printer that is shared by the server computer, then you need to install the printer driver in this way. Click "The printer that I want isn't installed"
  5. In Select a shared printer by name select the “Browse” button.
  6. Look for the Network Printer that has been shared by the server computer by selecting the "Network" icon that is already available on the left panel. Next, my friend goes to the connected server computer and if you have found it, then just continue by clicking and you can continue to the next stage. In this process, you just need to follow the instructions provided. Then you just have to follow the installation tutorial until it's finished.

That's some information about How to Share a Windows 8 Printer that has provided. This method can be done easily and quickly, right? With the sharing feature, you can now share printers easily. 

Hopefully all the information above can be used as a reference for those of you who want to know how to share a Windows 8 printer. Hopefully this article is useful and good luck, buddy!

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