How to Reset Canon G2000 Printer

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Canon G2000 Resetter for Windows 7 32-bit, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows XP, Windows 10, Windows Vista, Windows 2000, Windows Me and other windows versions. PIXMA G2000/G2500/G2400/G2002/G2100 Resetter software is essential for repairing and repairing PIXMA G2000 service in case of error and unable to print, copy and scan. 

How to Reset Canon G2000 Printer
How to Reset Canon G2000 Printer

To download the resetter is the best way to make your G2000 machine print again by resetting it to factory mode using Resetter Canon G2000. Here's a tutorial on How to Reset a Canon G2000 Printer that you can do yourself easily and quickly.

All of you already know about the type of Canon printer that was released, namely the Canon G-Series. This Canon G-Series printer is the latest Canon launched in 2015. The advantage of this printer is that it has an attachment that contains an official ink cartridge that has been connected to the printer. 

This Canon PIXMA G2000 printer is one of the variants of the Canon series printer (G-Series) which has an AIO (all-in-One) printer. This printer has specifications and completeness Canon G2000 is a more complete facility with Scan, Copy.

With the latest technology owned by G-Series printers, the ink filling system that is above the printing machine will make it easier for printer users to print, refilling ink becomes easier and more efficient with a refill bottle cap model that is adjusted to fill ink easily into the tube in the printer. 

This Canon PIXMA G2000 printer also has a fast print speed equal to the print speed of the Canon PIXMA G1000 Printer, which is 8.8 ipm black print speed, and 5 ipm color. In addition to high print speeds, this printer uses hybrid ink technology that makes prints higher.

Your computer system must be confirmed if the condition of the Canon G2000 Printer Driver is in the Off (Off) condition, but the power cable is still attached to your printer. Then follow the steps below:
  1. Press the RESUME button, with a duration of approximately two seconds.
  2. After that, your computer system buddy can press the POWER button until the thumb is active, below to enjoy is when you press the POWER button, don't remove the initial RETURN TO switch so replace RETURN TO the problem is still depressed.
  3. But get rid of the RESUME button, because the POWER button cannot be removed.
  4. After that, when the POWER button is still pressed, my friend presses the RESUME button with 5 times pressure. usually after you do it the LED light will light up and also change the color to green orange with the last flame orange.
  5. Press the RESUME button up to 4 times because your printers are generally completely dead, but that's only a short term.
  6. Release both buttons at the same time.
  7. After that the LED light will flash briefly then it will brighten with a GREEN color.
  8. The computer system will surely find a new tool, below you can ignore it, do not set the driver again. Such a state indicates that the printer G2000, a problem in SERVICE MODE and is also preparing to be reset.

Thus a review of how to reset a Canon G2000 printer that can provide. Hopefully this information can be useful and help friends solve existing problems. If you have other tips, you can write them in the comments column, thank you.

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