Troubleshooting Ink Does Not Come Out When Printing on an Epson Printer

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One of the printers that is widely used is the Epson printer. Brand printers have good durability and printing power. Several types of Epson brands became winners in the best printer event. There is no doubt about the printer. However, even though this printer has good durability and printing power, it is also inseparable from difficulties. 

Sometimes there are many problems that also target this printer such as the ink does not come out or hangs when used. This time around printers, we will discuss what causes the ink not to come out when printing on an Epson printer. For more information, see the reviews below:

Ink Does Not Come Out When Printing on Epson Printer

Troubleshooting Ink Does Not Come Out When Printing on an Epson Printer
Troubleshooting Ink Does Not Come Out When
Printing on an Epson Printer

Empty Cartridge or Multiple Air Cavities

The cause of the ink not coming out when printing on an Epson printer is an empty cartridge or the number of air cavities in the cartridge. In the printing process, the most important thing is spraying by the cartridge, the cartridge that is removed or is in the air cavity is sprayed only by the wind so that the print on the paper looks empty.

This is indeed inconvenient when printing important documents but what comes out is only blank paper. Many people are satisfied with this matter. You don't need to worry because there is a solution for this problem. my friend just suck the air in the cartridge or hose and make sure the cartridge is not in an empty condition.

Blocked Head

There are also some problems when printing but it doesn't come out because the print head of the Epson printer is clogged. The blockage is because the ink dries or there is ink clumping so that it easily occurs. The hole where the ink comes out or commonly called the nozzle if it gets clogged will cause another problem.

To overcome this, my friend can repair the nozzle of the printer head with a special cleaning fluid. you can put it in the injection and then spray it on the nozzle head. After cleaning, try to test print whether the ink still does not come out. If the problem is still there is a printer head that has been damaged.

Printer Head Damage

A serious problem that many users of this printer fear is damage to the print head. If you repair the damage after doing some of the ways above, then you need to replace the printer head with a new printer head. It's very expensive for one head. The causes of failure can be many from physical damage or from the ink used.

Ink Does Not Come Out When Printing
Ink Does Not Come Out When Printing

Indeed, the longer the printer is used, the lower its performance will be. you need to do special care for the printer so that it can be used for a long time. In addition, its use should not be rude and too questionable because it is feared that it will cause other printer problems.

Those are some of the causes of Ink Not Coming Out When Printing on Epson Printers that you should know. Hope that fixes the issue of the printer being updated. Some of the methods above you can try and if the problem has not been resolved, you can consult or bring people who are more familiar with printers, in this case to the service center. Dont forget to comment below..!!!

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