Samsung M2885FW Printer Advantages and Disadvantages

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The Samsung SL-M2885FW laser printer is a type of monochrome printer that can perform 4 functions at once, namely printing, scanning, copying, and sending faxes in monochrome or black only. This printer has dimensions of 15.8 x 14.3 x 14.4 inches and is capable of printing 29 papers per minute (ppm). 

Also equipped with a duplex printing feature that serves to print on the reversed paper. You can use this feature to use paper. This printer can print on A4 paper, Legal, quarto, transparent, envelope, and glossy paper. Capable of producing prints with a resolution of 4800 x 600 dpi with the first printing of about 8.5 seconds. 
Advantages and Disadvantages of Samsung M2885FW

If you want to buy this printer, it would be nice if you know the specifications and what are the advantages and disadvantages of the Samsung M2885fw. For more information, see the review below until it's finished:

Advantages and Disadvantages of Samsung M2885FW

The Samsung SL-M2885FW laser printer can purchase up to 12 thousand pages each month. Powered by a 600MHz processor speed and 128MB memory, this printer can be connected to your devices via USB 2.0 and wirelessly. You can use this printer to purchase or focus documents stored on your mobile device directly. 

Compatible with operating systems with Windows 2000, XP, 2003, 2008, Vista, 7, iOS 10.3. Requires 400 W of power when ordering and 45 W when in standby. Equipped with dual toner cartridges that deliver sharper prints in no time. Comes with a 2 year warranty. Here are some points of advantages and disadvantages of the Samsung M2885fw that you must know:

Advantages of Laser Jet Printers:

1. Speed

Laser printers have print speeds that reach around 20-25 ppm, so it can be concluded that this Samsung M2885fw printer can print documents in 20-25 per minute. While the inkjet printer only has a speed of about 16/12 ppm, with a price range of 400 thousand. Especially for laser printers with a price of 3 million and above the speed of about 30 to about 60 ppm. That's for speed B/W scores (black and white). Only slightly, more expensive, but with extraordinary capabilities.

2. Features

This is undoubtedly a song, in general the features of laser jet printers are better than inkjet printers issued in memory and processor, laser printers have higher capabilities than inkjet printers, with the ability to make laser printers more often solved.

3. Operational Cost

Inkjet Printers, Inkjet Printers are superior to Inkjet Printers, Inkjet Printer Replacement is relatively longer, Inkjet Printers use more and more Refills (Cartridges)

4. Print Quality

Although the color composition (original color) produced by laser printers is not as good as inkjet printers, but for print results, both black and white and color printing, laser printer prints are better, because the prints dry faster and are waterproof. And if you use them long term, laser printers are much more efficient than inkjet printers.

5. Lower overall cost due to small ink requirements.

Disadvantages of Laser Jet Printers:
  1. Take worse photos.
  2. Color laser printers are more expensive than color ink jets.
  3. The possibility of printing colors that do not fit on the LED printer makes the image blurry.
  4. Solid output printer ink can jam the copier or paper with the automatic feeder.

Some of these points are all explanations about the printer's specifications and what are the advantages and disadvantages of the Samsung M2885FW. Hopefully what we have reviewed above can be useful for friends who want to buy the printer in the near future. Thank you for reading this article and stay tuned for our next interesting article.


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