How to Take Care of a Dot Matrix Printer

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Printers now have many shapes and forms. Starting from Ink jet printers (ink), laser printers, dot matrix, to all-in-one (scanner). Dot matrix printers are the most common, therefore you must know how to care for a dot matrix printer. 

Printers, one of the hardware parts on computers, have grown rapidly and are rampant in various parts of the world as a major need for various types of professions and competition. The prices also vary, ranging from cheap and affordable to expensive for the needs of studios and printing companies. Here are tips on how to take care of a Dot Matrix printer that you can follow to maintain the durability of the printer.

How to Take Care of a Dot Matrix Printer
How to Take Care of a Dot Matrix Printer

How to Take Care of a Dot Matrix Printer

The dot matrix printer is the favorite printer and the most widely used by students and the middle class. This is due to several factors, the most important of which is the relatively cheap and affordable price compared to other types of printers. 

The second is the variety of colors, which are colored and cannot be adapted to printing needs. The third is being able to print wide-loaded and space-loading paper, because wide-head printers can provide A4-wide paper or the like. 

Which uses carbon ribbon on color printers, which is simpler because it only has four colors; yellow, black, red, blue and other color results are the combination of the four main colors above. Because of its popularity, my friend must know how to care for a dot matrix printer.

Here's how to care for a dot matrix printer:

1. Turning it off is right

This does not only apply to dot matrix printers but all types of printers. In general, all types of non-removable printers are completely damaged because the roll/drive wheel won't snap back into place.

2. Maintain Carbon Tape

This is the most important thing in a dot matrix printer because the main color in the printer uses carbon tape. Ribbons that are wrinkled and thin must be returned because they can produce less than optimal results. Fading color is an indicator of a major problem with the carbon tape.

3. Keeping the Printer Clean

This is essential for dot matrix printers. Needed, a dot matrix printer is one of the most sensitive to external items, for example dust, cobwebs or it could be staples, paper clips, pencil contents, and sharpener dirt.

Maintaining the durability of the printer is something that is difficult because it takes accuracy in seeing the inside and outside of the body of the printer itself. But if you are able to choose your printer, then it is not impossible that your results and tasks will be more optimal and satisfying. 

That's how to take care of a dot matrix printer that Erzedka can provide this time, hopefully the dot matrix printer that has can be more durable and not easily damaged.

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