How to Solve Printer Not Detected

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There are so many problems that arise when we want to use a printer or printer. For example, there is an event that the printer that is connected to a laptop or computer is not detected. This problem does occur often but at times it can not cause irritation to users.

The causes of the printer not being detected are quite a lot, we need to have knowledge about how to deal with printers that don't work. The problem of not detecting a computer usually arises from many factors. 

What is certain is that these factors come from two main sources, namely laptops or computers and the printer itself. The following is a review of how to solve a printer not detected that can be done easily yourself.

How to Solve Printer Not Detected
How to Solve Printer Not Detected

How to Solve Printer Not Detected

Here I will give some factors that are felt related to your printer. Here are five tips that we can give to you on how to deal with unapproved printers, namely:

1. Problems with the USB Cable.

Check that your usb cable is connected to your laptop or computer. If, already installed but not yet installed, plug in the physical usb cable buddy.

2. Make sure the printer driver is installed.

It should also be noted that the serial number or printer type is the same as the number in the printer driver. If it is already installed but not yet installed, try to reinstall the driver on your laptop or computer.

Make sure the printer driver is installed
Make sure the printer driver is installed

3. If the agreement is not from the printer, we need to check the approval of the computer or laptop.
  • First, Click Start > run > type service.msc.
  • Second, search for print Spooler right click and select properties.
  • Third, in the start up section, type select automatic, then click start.

4. If the way to fix the printer that cannot be repaired can still overcome the printer, you need to restart the computer or laptop by disconnecting all peripherals connected to the computer, then connect the usb printer to your computer or laptop.

5. The last tip that we can convey if the printer is still not rejected, namely: click start> control panel> devices and printers> add printer> add a local printer> select the port used> have a disk (driver location)> continue until finished> then the printer was announced.

Actually a lot is recommended for printers that are not cancelled. However, usually the unpublished printer is far from the two connected devices i.e. a computer or laptop with a printer. These five tips are a way to solve the problem that can't be done. you can try it directly with your printer and laptop or computer. 

However, if suggested, these tips also don't help my friend. It's best if you bring a printer or laptop, its expert service or a place that you believe can be solved, this inaccessible printer. Tips about printers this time about How to Overcome Printer Not Detected, hopefully it can be useful and can be used as desired by your printer.

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