How to Reset HP Printer Cartridges Correctly

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There are many HP printers on the market. Its renowned durability and functionality make HP printers widely used in offices and other companies. Sometimes doing tasks related to this printer, there are problems that occur from cartridge errors to unable to print. This time around printers, we will discuss how to properly reset HP Printer Cartridges.

Reset HP Printer Cartridges
Reset HP Printer Cartridges

How to Reset HP Printer Cartridges Correctly

For issues like unreadable cartridges, this is also frustrating when needed. Sometimes when you want to print it is thought on the computer that the cartridge is unreadable or an error. For this problem, it is considered light for HP printers, you only need to reset or replace HP printer cartridges. Here are the steps:
  1. Printer Turn off the HP and then unplug the cable from the power and let it sit for 5 minutes
  2. Restart the printer and check again if there are still errors
  3. If you still have an error, you can open the printer cover so that the cartridge enters the middle of the printer
  4. Remove the 802 or black cartridge from the head bay
  5. After that unplug the cable directly through the usb that is still attached, this will be transferred immediately to the printer.
  6. After the cable is disconnected, take a tissue for the bottom and the brass part so that it doesn't happen again
  7. Put the cartridge back in its original place and push the rods into the corner
  8. Next close the cover and turn on the printer as usual.

The printer will immediately clean and reset the installed cartridge. If you have previously filled cartridges with ink, you need to pay attention to refilling them in the correct way. The maximum capacity of the cartridge is 3 ml if more than that you can suck it up again using an injection.

After booting normally, my friend can do a print test manually, namely when turning on the printer, don't immediately release the power button, hold and press the cancel button too, then release the cancel button and then release the power button, the printer will automatically print the print test.

Some of the causes of these cartridge errors are the use of non-genuine cartridges, incorrect ink filling, and damage to the cartridge. If the way to reset the HP printer cartridge is still not there can be damage to the cartridge or even the printer.

If you consider this very complicated, it never hurts to call a more experienced technician. Suggestions from some technicians Once remove the cartridge even to replace it must be in a state of unplugged cable in order to avoid electrical short in the printer. you can also use the automatic method to reset HP printer cartridges.

Thus the information about How to Reset HP Printer Cartridges Correctly that we have recommended. Hopefully some of the information and tips above can help all of you in overcoming problems with HP printers. Good luck, good luck.

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